People who are wise in using their finances will definitely prioritize their basic needs first before buying other luxury items that they may not have the time to use yet. Moreover, if he is very aware that making money is very difficult in conditions like now, of course he will learn to be frugal in all aspects and especially in the aspect of spending money for his daily food. Because it is something that cannot be postponed (unless he is willing to starve his body) which will eventually get sick, so basic needs are the first consideration for people who want to use money more sparingly and also wisely in life.
Buying luxury items is a lifestyle fulfillment and it is not a necessity that must be achieved by everyone. Prioritizing something that is more important is far more beneficial because when we are faced with an unstable financial condition, we are no longer talking about fulfilling a lifestyle, but rather trying to fulfill something that is needed, including basic needs to support our lives. Saving should not only be done when economic conditions are unstable, but a lifestyle like that should be adopted by many people under any circumstances, both those with lower middle incomes and those with lower middle incomes.
Because we never know what will happen in the future and the worst scenario is when our source of income is unstable or in other words at work we experience layoffs. An intelligent person must think about the future in actions and behavior to support himself and his family because we cannot predict how our lives will be in the future, so we need to prepare steps for this problem.
Those who have above average income have also learned to save a lot, because they also don't know what the world's economic condition will be in the future, so they also don't want to waste every day. And everyone has also realized that wastage is a very bad thing even though they have more income than other freelancers, because in the end they will also experience difficulties when they continue to spend money more extravagantly through life.
The portion of savings should be placed with a certain percentage because if all of the income we have is in savings, the productivity of money will not increase. We recommend using a percentage or placing it in several places such as investing or running a business so that the money we have is more productive and does not settle. The method can be adapted to the ability of someone who is able to be responsible, whether utilizing business, investment or other things that are considered more productive.