Lightening network takes care of that. This is how you will do micropayments or anything under 100$ with basically no fee.
Here is LN wallet, check it out if you buy a coffee each day from the same shop for a month and can spread the $30 cost over the month
as a type of surcharge on top of a $1.50 drink plus pay the fees of the hub/bank who you opened a
channel too.
What you are saying is not correct at all you have been mislead and micro payments are going to often be a few cents sent
to a web site needed to view VIP pages which i am sure we will start to see a lot of these soon.
From a development perspective LN is a hack job and from an economic perspective it could well
push fees even higher unless your doing 50 transactions a month and the hub you use has all the
right channels open and lets not forget that Hubs need to commit there transaction to the main
block-chain when doing inter bank settlements which is nothing new.
Please debate these guys if you feel that my description is incorrect. (Short version) (long version, skip to 6:10 for the meat)
if the public block-chain was such a fantastic concept then how come they want to go off block now
and how did we ever mange to build scale-able system in the past (link web farms) without CPU wars for
mining or PoW and no we didn't needed to deal with 51% attacks because our systems were better than
that but yes DDOS can bring most systems down.
LN introduces a degree of centralization which I can live with but they are fudging the problem
which will create more trouble instead of dealing with the problem at the right level and breaking down
the block-chain to become a block matrix or do you think they like running out of space in blocks, only just
found out that this BC would not scale and are simply loving ripping us off in fees and some vain excuse
about running out of block space.
oh did i forget to mention "Lock-Managers" just in case the process was not far to
complicated as it is which might just give some of the current 20,000 full nodes needed
to preform seven transactions a second some real work to do for once.
I think all they have done is added another wheel to to the slot machine with a few more
buttons so when it costs you even more to play then it must all be the punters fault.
Yes I could go on a lot more but hopefully some of the developers here will start thinking
for themselves instead of being pushed along