Agreed, actually, we are greedy to earn money in a short way, and in this way, gambling is a right way, to earn fast. But in fact it is a way to lose the amount too fast. But every gambler play gambling with a dream that may be he win and if he win than definitely we earn very fast, and also mostly gamblers like to take a risk from gambling.
As long as addicted people decide that they want to come out of these habits then surely they will find many ways to come out. But if someone is forcing them to come out of gambling then no way can get out instead they will find many ways to gamble. So if they decide not to gamble, then they can try to spend more time with family and friends in outdoor activities until they forget about these gambling games.
to be able to get away from gambling. We must have another thing to get busy too like having a stable job, a new sports activity or more bonding in family. No one can get us away from it, it is our will and obligation to do so if we get too attached in gambling and forgot things that matter most.