There are several definitions/criteria by which you can detect whether a new cryptocurrency is a scam or not.
BLOCKCHAINThe digital currency was created on the BITCOIN or ETHEREUM BLOCKCHAIN, then it has some level of legitimacy.
LIQUIDITYIt is easy to liquidate the commodity asset of your digital currency asset and turn this into other digital currencies or back to cash.
FUNCTIONThe company has a business model/plan within which the digital currency or token will solve a real problem for a large channel to market.
PEOPLEThe people behind the company and the company itself have an ethical background and have not been involved in Ponzi Schemes, Penny Auctions and are operating with transparency and conservatism.
HYPE MARKETING- The policies of the company meet the standards for advertising practices of financial services and technology, as prescribe by the SEC or ASIC or similar regulatory body.
Typically this means that claims must be substantiated
HOWEVER - in most cases, the claims of Digital Currency ICOs are more generally OUTLANDISH in nature and feature HYPE MARKETING which promotes only a potential upside that has no correlation with reality.
ICO - Initial Coin OfferingSpecifying terms and conditions of the downside is a legal requirement not adhered to by most ICOs. ICOs divert this by saying they are technology advisors. However, unlike IPO rules under SEC, ICOs only need a white paper about a potentiality and a funky website to solicit millions of dollars in digital currency investment.