
Topic: How to improve your condition? - page 5. (Read 2069 times)

Activity: 196
Merit: 15
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
June 20, 2024, 07:13:44 AM
You are in the right place if you have a desire to improve your financial situation.  If you have no experience in trading, then it is worth keeping in mind that long-term investments bring great benefits to the investor over the course of a year and almost never go bankrupt, while short-term investments will be quite unprofitable in the event of a temporary drop in prices.
Quite rightly said when a man feels that he should change his position and is determined to act on that decision, he is certainly in the right position. Because people's desire to do something good keeps people alive and inspires them to work. And one of the ways to do something good in a short time is trading. And experience people gain through work. Therefore it will be wise to get down to work without wasting time by using conscience after gaining knowledge.
A man certainly has a responsibility to themselves and their family and if they are in a position that is not in the best condition they certainly have to have the desire to change themselves to be better than their previous condition, trading I think requires a process to be able to get it. profit from the trading they do and of course they have to be patient with every process they have to go through before they can feel the profits from trading and having experience will certainly be able to help them to survive so they can have income from what they trade, yes of course we don't It's okay to waste time on things we don't need and it would be better if we have knowledge about the work we do so we can immediately work to fulfill the responsibilities we have.
Every thing in the world needs process otherwise no work will be done properly. For trading you must set the mindset as a process acquire knowledge, have analytical ability and have the skills to apply it and if you have the opportunity to work under the supervision of an experienced person for these things it will give better results. And as you said in terms of trading patience is very important as it is almost impossible to come out of trading profitably and keep away from family responsibilities.
Activity: 196
Merit: 15
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
June 14, 2024, 11:15:38 AM
You are in the right place if you have a desire to improve your financial situation.  If you have no experience in trading, then it is worth keeping in mind that long-term investments bring great benefits to the investor over the course of a year and almost never go bankrupt, while short-term investments will be quite unprofitable in the event of a temporary drop in prices.
Quite rightly said when a man feels that he should change his position and is determined to act on that decision, he is certainly in the right position. Because people's desire to do something good keeps people alive and inspires them to work. And one of the ways to do something good in a short time is trading. And experience people gain through work. Therefore it will be wise to get down to work without wasting time by using conscience after gaining knowledge.
A man certainly has a responsibility to themselves and their family and if they are in a position that is not in the best condition they certainly have to have the desire to change themselves to be better than their previous condition, trading I think requires a process to be able to get it. profit from the trading they do and of course they have to be patient with every process they have to go through before they can feel the profits from trading and having experience will certainly be able to help them to survive so they can have income from what they trade, yes of course we don't It's okay to waste time on things we don't need and it would be better if we have knowledge about the work we do so we can immediately work to fulfill the responsibilities we have.
A man's will takes him far from his present position. I saw a person near my house who was different from normal people. He did not have two hands but he had an indomitable desire and love for education. He continued to practice learning and writing with the help of his legs. Where normal children do not get good results but he earned the distinction of being the number one student in the area. So to improve our condition we must first feel the need in our own mind and have a strong will only then it will be possible to improve from the current condition.
full member
Activity: 1190
Merit: 212
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
June 11, 2024, 10:24:19 PM
You are in the right place if you have a desire to improve your financial situation.  If you have no experience in trading, then it is worth keeping in mind that long-term investments bring great benefits to the investor over the course of a year and almost never go bankrupt, while short-term investments will be quite unprofitable in the event of a temporary drop in prices.
Quite rightly said when a man feels that he should change his position and is determined to act on that decision, he is certainly in the right position. Because people's desire to do something good keeps people alive and inspires them to work. And one of the ways to do something good in a short time is trading. And experience people gain through work. Therefore it will be wise to get down to work without wasting time by using conscience after gaining knowledge.
A man certainly has a responsibility to themselves and their family and if they are in a position that is not in the best condition they certainly have to have the desire to change themselves to be better than their previous condition, trading I think requires a process to be able to get it. profit from the trading they do and of course they have to be patient with every process they have to go through before they can feel the profits from trading and having experience will certainly be able to help them to survive so they can have income from what they trade, yes of course we don't It's okay to waste time on things we don't need and it would be better if we have knowledge about the work we do so we can immediately work to fulfill the responsibilities we have.
Activity: 196
Merit: 15
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
June 11, 2024, 10:59:11 AM
I remember the first time I heard the phrase, "It's not your fault to be poor, but dying poor is your fault." I heard this at a networking MLM company seminar. If I check what was said literally, it is really true. We must find a way to get out of the difficult situation we have.

Before, I thought that networking was the answer and solution, but it was not, because I also saw many loopholes and cons. But now that I'm in the crypto space, this is where I can find the solution and reach what I want or dream of in life little by little.
You are in the right place if you have a desire to improve your financial situation.  If you have no experience in trading, then it is worth keeping in mind that long-term investments bring great benefits to the investor over the course of a year and almost never go bankrupt, while short-term investments will be quite unprofitable in the event of a temporary drop in prices.
Quite rightly said when a man feels that he should change his position and is determined to act on that decision, he is certainly in the right position. Because people's desire to do something good keeps people alive and inspires them to work. And one of the ways to do something good in a short time is trading. And experience people gain through work. Therefore it will be wise to get down to work without wasting time by using conscience after gaining knowledge.
sr. member
Activity: 1400
Merit: 420
June 09, 2024, 02:26:56 AM
We try many ways to be successful, and we do succeed once in a while, but to achieve this success, we have to work hard and make many sacrifices. Still, there is nothing to do. We have to be successful, love our work, do it well, and move forward, and that's how we will be successful one day.

If you are really smart, from Facebook, Tiktok can also get more income, this is why those who always read have victory in any case. On Facebook there is a fan page service that can produce results as long as the required requirements are met and no errors are found. My friend alone is loyal and able to earn $700 in a month. Not bad.

As I said above, success has to be achieved anyway. If you fail, your situation will take a turn for the worse. Yes, Facebook can launch you better than these. Like your friend, I have friends who deal with these. They have a good amount of pot and are going with it because everyone can be successful in one direction but can do something good without going in that direction.
sr. member
Activity: 1288
Merit: 231
Hire Bitcointalk Camp. Manager @
June 08, 2024, 05:39:14 PM

Actually is not easy to be successful when thee are many obstacles but knowing and accepting the obstacles is a stepping stone to becoming successful. So you have to acknowledge that things are the way they are and you can’t change the tax amount or the inflation.

Now the next step is looking at what you can do as a person. I am talking about our abilities, your skills, your passion. When you figure that, you decide how much time want to be making, and if your abilities/skills can make it happen. Then you have to do the calculation where you check how possible it is for you to make that money. Do you need to improve your skills, make more connections, etc. What I am saying isn’t a solution, it’s rather a problem solving technique.

That's really right, doing what we love or like or even have passion for, we won't find it difficult to make through it and we won't be finding it hard doing the work and won't even complain about it and also, we shouldn't overwork ourselves when we don't have strength or overwork ourselves because of responsibility.

We should do according to our capacity or ability. So it's advisable to learn a skill of our choice, and we can sustain ourselves through it and we can even have time for ourselves or our love ones. Also online work is also lucrative and affordable and less fres as well.

It is well said that you have explained in detail in the above two posts. But I need to understand why you posted two. You could have presented two through one without posting this. I wonder why you did it; maybe it was a mistake.
That's definitely a mistake, I didn't even notice I made the post twice, thanks anyways for your correction and pointing this out.

And while you're right that one needs to work pretty hard in order to become successful, we also need to understand that sometimes, success isn't always measured by how hard we work or how much physical effort we apply to our daily pursuit, but also about how smart our approaches are, sometimes all it takes is a smart approach rather than working too hard to actualize a goal.
sr. member
Activity: 1456
Merit: 326 - Mars, here we come!
June 08, 2024, 01:20:53 PM
A major cause of unemployment is sitting at home without a target to find a job field with graduation or post graduation in less important subjects. And only ourselves are responsible for it. That is unemployment in this case is a personal problem. People can come out even if they want. Apart from jobs there are many people who are eliminating unemployment through business.

Some individuals have set goals in their mind to get a specific job and when they fail to get that job then they never try to find another job and spend their whole life by waiting for just a single job opportunity as a result of which they become over age. There is another reason that people think that they will find a job by sitting at a home without doing anything but they forget that only hardworking people get success in this universe.

I will suggest that a person should not wait for a specific job but do any job for which he is eligible and if possible then he should do double jobs because in the current era a single job is not enough for giving us a good salary that can satisfy our goals of life.
sr. member
Activity: 2604
Merit: 338 - Crypto Casino
June 08, 2024, 12:54:46 PM

It is definitely a problem for us that we study for a job and when we don't get a job after finishing our education we get frustrated and sit unemployed. But if it could be thought a little differently then maybe so many problems would not have arisen. Like if our attitude is that I will not work under others but I will build an organization where people will work under me. If people think like this then the economic condition of the country will improve and people will be able to fulfill their desires well.
Have you ever been called for an interview at a company? If yes or already, what are the results? If you are not accepted there, of course you have problems or shortcomings in yourself, immediately correct your shortcomings. If we want change in our lives, remember, don't be lazy, we are certainly competing with other people. No one can change our lives, only we ourselves can change it.

I don't think it's easy to build an organization alone, let alone employ people in it? You need a lot of capital in this case, and need experience or insight into the regulations or systems that apply in your country.
But sometimes this isnt always the case that you are the ones who do have that lacking and due to extreme competition or high demand then employers would really be definitely be looking for the most or the best individual for a certain position specially if you are really that trying to have a job on which of course dont make yourself that get frustrated and would really be completely stopping at the moment that you will really be that not able to achieve or get that position. Also, you shouldnt really be just that limiting yourself on trying to get a job but also try out on having to dive in with those opportunities for you to make money. We do know that there's no only one way for you to have a good life but rather on having multiple methods or ways. It is really just that other people dont really think up that broad and really just that sticking on what are thing that they do have in front and not really that tending to see on what are the things that they could actually do and not just like this.
hero member
Activity: 1750
Merit: 567
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
June 08, 2024, 12:45:40 PM

It is definitely a problem for us that we study for a job and when we don't get a job after finishing our education we get frustrated and sit unemployed. But if it could be thought a little differently then maybe so many problems would not have arisen. Like if our attitude is that I will not work under others but I will build an organization where people will work under me. If people think like this then the economic condition of the country will improve and people will be able to fulfill their desires well.

It all depends on a person's character, no matter how wide the job opportunities and opportunities provided are, if there is no will and self-awareness to move and try to get them then there is no point in these opportunities. So unemployment can have a negative impact on a person's life and can be a source of problems and instability, this is as the saying goes "Unemployment is a twisted devil".
A major cause of unemployment is sitting at home without a target to find a job field with graduation or post graduation in less important subjects. And only ourselves are responsible for it. That is unemployment in this case is a personal problem. People can come out even if they want. Apart from jobs there are many people who are eliminating unemployment through business.

Right, or maybe I would also say that one of the causes of unemployment is because they are stuck in a comfort zone or those who always maintain a comfort zone or it could also be because they don't dare to move forward because of worries. And I would also say that usually they are typical lazy people who don't think about their future, and I also have one friend who is not too close to me where he has been unemployed for more than 3 years due to always following a sense of even in himself so that he is trapped in a comfort zone.

But do you know that he is now quite an adult, about 25 years old but still unemployed and still doesn't have anything that adults his age already have from their own hard work, which recently caused a new problem because his partner asked him to get married while he had no income at all because he was unemployed, And I honestly can't imagine the pressure he's feeling right now, and that's what happens when we spoil ourselves too much by always maintaining laziness, because in the end it will lead us to a comfort zone and will make it difficult for us to get out of the unemployment problem, and I would also say that this is what happens when parents cannot educate their children to be independent.
sr. member
Activity: 616
Merit: 274
June 08, 2024, 12:19:30 PM

It is definitely a problem for us that we study for a job and when we don't get a job after finishing our education we get frustrated and sit unemployed. But if it could be thought a little differently then maybe so many problems would not have arisen. Like if our attitude is that I will not work under others but I will build an organization where people will work under me. If people think like this then the economic condition of the country will improve and people will be able to fulfill their desires well.
Have you ever been called for an interview at a company? If yes or already, what are the results? If you are not accepted there, of course you have problems or shortcomings in yourself, immediately correct your shortcomings. If we want change in our lives, remember, don't be lazy, we are certainly competing with other people. No one can change our lives, only we ourselves can change it.

I don't think it's easy to build an organization alone, let alone employ people in it? You need a lot of capital in this case, and need experience or insight into the regulations or systems that apply in your country.
full member
Activity: 1372
Merit: 137
June 08, 2024, 10:16:56 AM
I remember the first time I heard the phrase, "It's not your fault to be poor, but dying poor is your fault." I heard this at a networking MLM company seminar. If I check what was said literally, it is really true. We must find a way to get out of the difficult situation we have.

Before, I thought that networking was the answer and solution, but it was not, because I also saw many loopholes and cons. But now that I'm in the crypto space, this is where I can find the solution and reach what I want or dream of in life little by little.
You are in the right place if you have a desire to improve your financial situation.  If you have no experience in trading, then it is worth keeping in mind that long-term investments bring great benefits to the investor over the course of a year and almost never go bankrupt, while short-term investments will be quite unprofitable in the event of a temporary drop in prices.
Activity: 196
Merit: 15
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
June 08, 2024, 09:53:49 AM
It is very important to find out the problem of the danger or problem that is in front of him because only he knows best about the problem. But it is also important that many people suggest solutions. From all those solutions comes the underlying knowledge or idea of ​​solving the problem which helps us to make decisions. So there is no opportunity to ignore the words of all those people. It is also true that those who suggest a solution may not follow it themselves. So we have to solve the problem by applying our knowledge and judgment which is best.
That's right, all solutions must be responded to well even though the person is not necessarily wise with the solution explained to us, but positive solutions can come from anyone and we must collect several solutions to solve our problems.

But I was surprised by the OP's explanation above because his country does not allow online work and that decision is a step back from technological sophistication. The government must guarantee that every individual gets a decent job if they are given the independent opportunity to find online job vacancies.
You are right that we have to work with some alternative solution to the problem or engage in problem-solving. So that if one of the alternatives does not work, the next one can be accepted as an alternative and the work can be done well.
 And according to OP's statement I was also surprised. In fact today's time is completely dependent on information technology, so if that country does not allow online dependent work, then it is not only one step behind but completely behind. For example, in the field of agriculture, the traditional method of plowing with plows and cows depended on nature to grow crops except for modern equipment and advanced varieties of crops.
Activity: 462
Merit: 13
★★ Play Plinko or Invest!
June 08, 2024, 03:50:05 AM

It is definitely a problem for us that we study for a job and when we don't get a job after finishing our education we get frustrated and sit unemployed. But if it could be thought a little differently then maybe so many problems would not have arisen. Like if our attitude is that I will not work under others but I will build an organization where people will work under me. If people think like this then the economic condition of the country will improve and people will be able to fulfill their desires well.

It all depends on a person's character, no matter how wide the job opportunities and opportunities provided are, if there is no will and self-awareness to move and try to get them then there is no point in these opportunities. So unemployment can have a negative impact on a person's life and can be a source of problems and instability, this is as the saying goes "Unemployment is a twisted devil".
A major cause of unemployment is sitting at home without a target to find a job field with graduation or post graduation in less important subjects. And only ourselves are responsible for it. That is unemployment in this case is a personal problem. People can come out even if they want. Apart from jobs there are many people who are eliminating unemployment through business.
sr. member
Activity: 1498
Merit: 271 - Crypto Sportsbook
June 08, 2024, 03:01:39 AM
I remember the first time I heard the phrase, "It's not your fault to be poor, but dying poor is your fault." I heard this at a networking MLM company seminar. If I check what was said literally, it is really true. We must find a way to get out of the difficult situation we have.

Before, I thought that networking was the answer and solution, but it was not, because I also saw many loopholes and cons. But now that I'm in the crypto space, this is where I can find the solution and reach what I want or dream of in life little by little.
Activity: 166
Merit: 13
Where Digital Assets Meet Real Life Value
June 08, 2024, 12:21:59 AM
We try many ways to be successful, and we do succeed once in a while, but to achieve this success, we have to work hard and make many sacrifices. Still, there is nothing to do. We have to be successful, love our work, do it well, and move forward, and that's how we will be successful one day.

If you are really smart, from Facebook, Tiktok can also get more income, this is why those who always read have victory in any case. On Facebook there is a fan page service that can produce results as long as the required requirements are met and no errors are found. My friend alone is loyal and able to earn $700 in a month. Not bad.
sr. member
Activity: 1400
Merit: 420
June 07, 2024, 11:58:58 PM

Actually is not easy to be successful when thee are many obstacles but knowing and accepting the obstacles is a stepping stone to becoming successful. So you have to acknowledge that things are the way they are and you can’t change the tax amount or the inflation.

Now the next step is looking at what you can do as a person. I am talking about our abilities, your skills, your passion. When you figure that, you decide how much time want to be making, and if your abilities/skills can make it happen. Then you have to do the calculation where you check how possible it is for you to make that money. Do you need to improve your skills, make more connections, etc. What I am saying isn’t a solution, it’s rather a problem solving technique.

That's really right, doing what we love or like or even have passion for, we won't find it difficult to make through it and we won't be finding it hard doing the work and won't even complain about it and also, we shouldn't overwork ourselves when we don't have strength or overwork ourselves because of responsibility.

We should do according to our capacity or ability. So it's advisable to learn a skill of our choice, and we can sustain ourselves through it and we can even have time for ourselves or our love ones. Also online work is also lucrative and affordable and less fres as well.

It is well said that you have explained in detail in the above two posts. But I need to understand why you posted two. You could have presented two through one without posting this. I wonder why you did it; maybe it was a mistake.

We try many ways to be successful, and we do succeed once in a while, but to achieve this success, we have to work hard and make many sacrifices. Still, there is nothing to do. We have to be successful, love our work, do it well, and move forward, and that's how we will be successful one day.
sr. member
Activity: 1288
Merit: 231
Hire Bitcointalk Camp. Manager @
June 07, 2024, 05:42:01 PM
Actually is not easy to be successful when thee are many obstacles but knowing and accepting the obstacles is a stepping stone to becoming successful. So you have to acknowledge that things are the way they are and you can’t change the tax amount or the inflation.

Now the next step is looking at what you can do as a person. I am talking about our abilities, your skills, your passion. When you figure that, you decide how much time want to be making, and if your abilities/skills can make it happen. Then you have to do the calculation where you check how possible it is for you to make that money. Do you need to improve your skills, make more connections, etc. What I am saying isn’t a solution, it’s rather a problem solving technique.

That's really right, doing what we love or like or even have passion for, we won't find it difficult to make through it and we won't be finding it hard doing the work and won't even complain about it and also, we shouldn't overwork ourselves when we don't have strength or overwork ourselves because of responsibility.

We should do according to our capacity or ability. So it's advisable to learn a skill of our choice, and we can sustain ourselves through it and we can even have time for ourselves or our love ones. Also online work is also lucrative and affordable and less fres as well.
sr. member
Activity: 1288
Merit: 231
Hire Bitcointalk Camp. Manager @
June 07, 2024, 03:54:15 PM
What do you mean online jobs are not allowed in your country? What are you doing here in the forum? Because clearly you have access to the internet still.

I think one of the most successful things you can pursue is business. Think of a product or service that is in demand and elevate it so that you will attract more people in your business. Having incorporate online services can also help in elevating your business. That can help you achieve what you want.

It's not about having access to the internet, but when you earn money and try to withdraw it or cash it out, that's when you get in trouble.
And, businesses are for those who have money to spend and not for those who are looking to earn money and grow financially.

That is why it's advisable to learn a skill to able to sustain you to your fullest.

And also join links or any online business or work that is legit just like this Bitcointalk, that after working, so that you will reap what you sow and also, so that your handwork will pay, not like most of online business that are scam today, after investing or doing everything you are asked to do and ended up not eating the fruit of your labor and also we should try to work hard to save up so that we can also use it to invest in any business of our choice, thank relying only one source of income.
hero member
Activity: 700
Merit: 577
Hire Bitcointalk Camp. Manager @
June 07, 2024, 03:35:21 PM
They said when we go to work then we will get good jobs after schooling but after all the stress and spending in the school, the jobs windows were closed against the graduates. Now the new one they have brought to the youth is skill acquisition, the time when you have finished the skill acquisition seminars and probably they would give you small amount of money to start of a business and since the business is not from you in the onset, you will still eat the money or the money is not big enough to sustain the business so it collapsed. Present day government is not to develop the humanity but to their families.

But that is not withstanding, you can do manual works to survive and that is most important thing human life. If any man can do the necessary labour then he can survive in the hard economy. And because of all these things people are saying that education is a scam. But that is not true. Education which in this contemporary world helps people in different dimensions. Like now, one can make enough money in the internet if the right channel is followed. And almost all the social media platforms can make someone to have money. So we just need the right orientation then all is well.
hero member
Activity: 1050
Merit: 592
God is great
June 07, 2024, 03:11:13 PM
One thing I believe is you can get out of any ugly condition if only you believe in yourself and chase your dreams.No one was born from the womb with money,it is what everyone worked towards to acheiving.Being poor is the mentality,a poor man/woman always think like a poor person.Meaning if a poor person wants to get out of the circle of being poor he/she needs to change his/her  mentality.All the richest men/women we have in our different countries didn't became rich overnight but they were focus and determined to achieve their goals.You can use your skills,talent and gifts to improve your condition it mustn't be a business,you just to use whatever you have to improve your condition.The power to create wealth is in our hands.
I agree with you that being positive change a lot of things, the mindset of positivity is the beginning of achieving great next, this gives one good confidence that one can be able to achieve anything great. I know we are in a difficult time but this shouldn't make one have a mindset that it is impossible to gain wealth or financial stability.  Despite how things are difficult and scarcity of good job their are people who are still gaining opportunities to gain money. In this difficult time one just need to be creative and get one or two skills and be good in it and wait for opportunity.  Complaining of how things are difficult won't change anything but having a positive mindset and to be consistent will surely bring something great one day.
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