These are the instructions for installing BFG Miner on the Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian “wheezy”)
I would first like to thank the people who in various places have helped with laying out the steps for CGMiner, which with some tweaks worked for BFG
The link to CGMiner's steps can be found here will need to first download the Linux Zip Archive from This thread is always updated with both the newest test, and newest stable versions(I would recommend sticking with the stable version unless you are very experienced.
Now that you have the zip file lets get started with the fun stuff Open the Terminal and get ready to punch some code. this isn't the quickest equipment so wait until the next open terminal line appears before continuing through the steps.
1 sudo aptitude update2 sudo aptitude install autoconf libtool libncurses-dev yasm curl libcurl4-openssl-dev libjansson-dev pkg-config libudev-dev
3a sudo aptitude install libusb-dev (needed in BFG Miner for ZTEX & X6500 FPGAs board support)(Skip if you don't have/won't be getting one of these boards)
Additional package required for bfgminer-3.3.0:
3b apt-get install uthash-dev
To enable opencl:sensors, apt-get install libsensors4-dev
To enable getwork proxy, apt-get instal libmicrohttpd-dev
To enable stratum proxy, apt-get instal libevent-dev
To enable ztex / x6500, apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev
Navigate to where you saved the zip file (I will use the current BFGminer stable version for an example)
4 unzip bfgminer-2.8.3
5 cd bfgminer-2.8.3
6 ./ unnecessary
7 ./configure
8 make
If you have not yet hooked up your FPGA to the Pi, now is the time. If you are planning on hooking up multiple FPGA's it is highly recommended to use an externally powered USB Hub.
Step 9 is to determine if the OS recognizes your FPGA and needs to be done from the home location
8 cd (to return to home)
9 ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*
your FPGA's should show up as ttyUSB0, ttyUSB1, etc. Any number is fine as long as there are as many of them as you have units.
If they do not show up here is a link to a thread about that issue. BFGMiner the usual way.(
sudo ./bfgminer from the bfgminer installed directory) If you do not use sudo it won't save your configuration properly when you go to settings and write config.
Editted: corrections, Stream-Lined, & Tested on Raspberry Pi, all to save you time. ENJOY!
Final Note: I have had 2 Raspberry Pi's burn out with BFL ASIC's. It seems the USB ports just can't handle the I/O. First I had crashes of the mining software, so I forced the Pi to reset itself twice daily which worked as a stop gap, but eventually they fell apart under the weight of the problem. Got a low powered amd apu and motherboard and have been running for months with it just sitting on a table, no maintenance required. At this time I would not recommend purchasing a Raspberry Pi as a control device for ASIC's.