The risk in the virtual currency market is the risk of losing some or all of its capital when the investor performs the investment or virtual currency transaction. Identify the risks before conducting a transaction, helping them to know the specific loss rate in each case of investment will be how to, minimum and maximum how to decide the scale of investment, the first time investment, time of investment completion, and other relevant factors.
You manage it by having a plan for every possible option. For instance, you are getting into BTC now, at 9k USD. There are some facts you should be aware of:
1. we are getting back into the bull market so chances of going up are significantly higher than the chances of dropping back to 6k.
2. there are possibilities of smaller pullbacks along the way, so if that happens you should be ready to sell to buy back more
3. you have to set the goal (store of value, long term investment, short term investment) decide on the price that you'll be happy with
Remember to stick to the plan and you'll be fine. Don't get euphoric and don't panic, calculate.