To quit gambling forever you need to have a huge willpower and find yourself another occupation that will take up the time that stood out for gambling. You may need to control another person.
not really, you just need to stop. that's it. just. stop. you just need to accept that it's a harmful influence on your life (if that's the case; I'm assuming it is if someone's desperately trying to quit) and own it. you're the only person that ultimately controls what you do. and what's this about controlling another person? what?
Find something else that are brightly helpful to you, Because if you become an addict or already addicted unto it, it will be hard for you to quit and surrender it. The addiction was one of the reason why majority of the gambler can't leave the gambling sites. So, Why not change your game in PSP, or mobile android games, DOTA in desktop.
It is really hard to quit in gambling if we are already attached into it most especially if we can't control our ego, but if we can find something else that can make us entertained and not bored then that is also good. Online games can also help but maybe it is not that good, it is helpful if that addicted person can do zumba or jogging, or maybe go to gym for his/her fitness.
delete Facebook, hit the gym, lawyer up (great if you got the meme)