1. Spending your money on unnecessary items immediately the money arrives. Trying to prove a point to people by living a standard that is above your pay grade.
This concerns lifestyle and most people will have more problems when they have this kind of view in living their daily lives, especially if the income they receive is not commensurate with their expenses.
In the end it doesn't solve the problem but adds to the burden of life which basically makes the financial system worse.
2. Live on one source of income. Everyday of our life our responsibilities and challenges keeps piling up accumulating without consideration to our financial capability. The economy and cost of living continue getting worsen. So in order not to be able to beat this piling settle comfortably on a single source of income flow.
The more income we receive from various jobs, the greater the expenses we will spend. This is a formula for balance in dealing with financial problems.
If someone is not good at managing expenses and income then whatever amount of money we have will also run out, because living life today there are a number of goods that increase uncontrollably.
4.Learn how not to mind your own business, making every events around you your concern even when it doesn't affect you. It's a nice way to make cool enemies. Etc.
I don't understand what you mean because actually building your own business is much better than working for someone else.
But keep in mind that building a business is not as easy as you imagine because there are many factors to consider.
If we don't have the skills to build a business, it will actually make the business not develop and in the end we will lose the capital when we start it.