And on the contrary, if you want to get rich, learn to avoid what OP has told us. Everyone wants to get rich of course but it’s hard to get rich when you are used doing the opposite way. Hence, by not focusing on one source of income, by not overspending, and by not being so generous all the time, you will get eventually rich in the process.
Well, I don’t say that you have to live your life the hard way, but live your life accordingly, which means by having self-discipline and control over yourself, you will live your life being productive and progressive.
Yes, that's right, OP used sarcasm. We have to be smart in interpreting what OP means, everyone wants to be rich and everyone has to avoid what OP says so that we can be rich.
Of course, to become rich we have to look for skills that make us intellectually curious, so that we are truly interested in learning them. Knowing that luck can be created, because luck is an opportunity that meets readiness. Stop trading time for money. Try to develop assets that make money even while we sleep. Don't get caught up in the social status game but focus on increasing assets and reducing debt.
And finally, getting rich slowly is the best way, don't be too eager to get rich suddenly/quickly. Maybe we are slower than other people, but a journey will be judged by the last place we arrive, not how winding the road is.
Becoming rich would really be acquired neither it would be that on inheritance or would be something that do came from hardwork and everything would really be that just depending on how someone would really be
that be able to deal up with things accordingly. Results would really matter basing up on the actions that he had made. Becoming poor? It would really be just that too damn easy but acquiring the money and making yourself rich or financially be stable then this is something which is really the hardest. If you do like on staying being poor then dont act but if you do like on something which is really that showing progress and better things
then it would really be just that right that you should really be acting fast so that you wouldnt really be letting yourself that get left behind.
Financial management would really be crucial because we know on how important money is in todays survival or even just simply on buying your own needs to live
or something that could support into your family. If you wont really be that sensible then you are really that putting yourself on such potential trouble.