This article doesn't talk about bitcoin but it got me thinking how to get kinds interested in bitcoin within the context of appropriate money management lessons. Think of we could teach kinds about it. The growth, the adoption, the inflation and retraction. The allure of the "internet money".
...what other ideas come to mind?
Sir teaching Bitcoin to young individuals is unprofessional. They are not so knowledgeable about this things and they must focus on their study rather than this. The best age to start bitcoining is hen they rich their teenage years so that they are more wise in dealing with crypto world.
You may be right that teaching bitcoins to the youth might be very complicated but it can't be unprofessional. Instead, you teach them the value of money first before anything else. By just teaching them to save money from their daily school money, this results to them, giving value on what they spend and being smart on what things that they should buy. Another method is by rewarding them with something (does not need to be money) due to the good deeds that they did or actions (this needs to be initiative and not scripted).