Games with house edge does not require a betting method but luck, if you are lucky winning comes easy regardless of the method.
All bets averages out to the house edge in the long run, but you will may not see it in time.
It is the mathematical formula behind this method which is flawed to begin with.
I didn't meet any sport bettors who by using martingale + analyze cracked the perfect way to break the system...
There is a thread here that uses martingale on a sports betting. You can find it in this section. The only effective strategy for martingale is to quit or force stop when you won after several losses. Playing martingale for a very long time will only make you lose all of your bankroll. A proper strategy must be use in every method to be able to make the best out of this method.
IMO using martiangle on sport betting is not worth to try since the match has unexpected result even they are experience for predicting the result.
Martiangle should be fit on game like poker or dice which enable to see the result faster and respond your act after the result occur
I think martingale is better used for games like dice where it is completely a game of chance. Sports betting seems to have some skill involved or at least a way to research the teams/opponents.
Martingale strategy could be used for dice, but it is still going to result in a loss over time. There is no way to beat the system except for getting lucky or quitting while you are ahead. I've tried martingale and variations of it as well.