We are now in the digital era, and who are the ones who can adopt it the fastest? The youth.
As long as they have all the tools, they're the ones who will flourish in this era. I mean look at the youths right now. In some countries, most of the youths already have the tools needed to have access to Bitcoin.
Youths are the ones who can adopt it easily because it will be easier for them to sink in the information compare to an old person or a senior person or even a young toddler. Youths are better when it comes to using technology compare to the old people right now.
We need to talk more about the benefit of Biticion in other to attract more youth because the majority do not know how this coin works.
If only some youths have time to learn about Bitcoin, they will be the ones who will let themselves in, invest, and use Bitcoin. I mean I don't like convincing people to use Bitcoin blah blah, but I'd rather let them give some tools that will give them lots of information with regards to Bitcoin, and I'll let them decide whether they're interested on it or not. Well, there are many tools online that an average Joe can help them learn about Bitcoin.
Benefits of Bitcoin? You can already find it on Youtube. Youths are spending lots of time watching Youtube, but instead of watching educational videos, they're wasting their time watching entertainment videos that isn't giving any useful information for them.