What is the worst case scenario under which you (pyramining) will still generate profit?
Pyramining doesn't support "quitting", I am just considering an agreement with "The Rock", which is a separate independent company.
The cost incurred by "quitters" is "eaten" by The Rock (Eliale), who becomes the owner of the position previously open by the quitter. On the Pyramining side nothing would change, the account remains active with its owner replaced.
Equivalent Hashing Power doesn't drop, and nothing changes to other members.
The only case scenario that is coming on my mind, under which Pyramining could not generate profit anymore, is where for an unexpected natural disaster all the equipment gets destroyed. I think that the chances are _extremely_ low.
If Pyramining business will grow big enough, I will geographically distribute all the mining resources ro further reduce those risks.
Thanks for clarifying. Makes sense.