I opened a thread on bitcointalk.org at https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/humble-indie-bundle-purchasing-with-bitcoin-120966 with title "Humble Indie Bundle - Purchasing with Bitcoin?". The reason I opened it was to discover if people were buying bundles but also would wish you to support donations in Bitcoins.
I communicated with someone who didn't want to buy any bundle any more because you don't support Bitcoin. I personally think it's better to do something than nothing, so I really donated 0.01 USD to show symbolically "please let me donate in Bitcoins".
There is 1 BTC waiting for you in my digital wallet. 1 BTC is valued at around 11(10.8-10.9 USD to be more exact) USD at the moment.
Now to be frank and honest I would want you to understand Bitcoin before accepting it. I can help you understand Bitcoin but that requires that you show interest. I know 2 core technologies Proof of Work and Public key cryptography that are a part of Bitcoin. These technologies have existed in theory for more than 25 years since at least 1982(only theory), but it was only in 2008 that the instructions how such a system is possible in practice were published, the double spend problem was finally solved, read more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-spending. In 2009 software was published that showed Bitcoin in practice, and it proved that such a system works in real life.
Also if you do send a reply(the last email I sent I got no reply to, maybe the email was lost?) can I post it on the thread on bitcointalk that I opened? I know that emails are personal or confidential so that's why I'm asking.
Best wishes