This may have been discussed some where and I missed it in my search, but what math goes into the process of staking?? (Whats the formula) There is the difficulty, the size of the block to stake, the size of the entire wallet has to factor in as well. there is also the factor of staking starts on the 9th day and ends on the 30th day with a max stake of 1k.
essentially I am trying to figure out whats the ideal size of block, so far, 3k has worked well, but it has been taking 14-17 days to stake and is always maxxed out at 1k, but today my 3k blocks jumped to 36 days which seems really long (past the max stake date) which I assume is caused by an increase in diff??
Input would be great.. Whats everyones secret??
Whilst i don't have the formula to hand, personally i think you're doing the right thing by keeping your blocks in the 3k range. Mine are generally between 2.5k to 3k, with a little variation depending on what I've just staked and the combined new blocks will split easily to.
I'd have to make a couple of assumptions on what you've written though:
1. You don't leave your wallet open 24/7. From all the blocks I've staked, maybe only 1% or so have hit the 1k reward limit. If your wallet isn't open 24/7, then the chances of hitting the wall are increased, as you can't stake if your wallet isn't open and unlocked
2. There's a slight issue with the latest wallet (presstab is aware) where the blocks that have gained 0 weight are showing a higher than estimated number of days until they stake. I assume you're on the latest wallet version.
So, in conclusion, I'd leave your blocks the size they are as long as you're leaving the wallet open and staking 24/7.
If your computer is on sporadically, consider smaller block sizes.