On another note, any idea who Hypnotique is? Well spoken, but the thread and account were clearly created as an attack. Sorry I got caught up in it, but after over a year of Spoetnik's crap, I was provoked. Got it out of my system now. Only thing I agreed with them on was the short notice on launch. I believe I said so at the time It worked out as far as I'm concerned.
And lastly congrats to Jaybeeuk! Keep us posted, eh?
I have my suspicions. I have a buddy that who works for a company that makes A LOT of money from their world renowned author recognition software. I may just have him run a few of my suspicions through the software.. If I care enough.
Honestly it seems a bit suspicious that all of the other PoS devs that have been dormant for months, are now all of a sudden active, and also posting alongside certain trolls. I think those lazy devs that do nothing more than copy NovaCoin commits line for line, are a bit jealous that original work is being put into a wallet by multiple people, not just me. Honestly it blows me away that some of these have never been paid attention to.
For example I just added this commit: https://github.com/presstab/HyperStake/commit/8d9502496b47f75b23f6c53c19007db43c9d1954
It adds the ability to export each block and its corresponding difficulty to a .csv file, something that is obviously useful for all who want it.
It was literally this easy:
Value exportdifficulty(const Array& params, bool fHelp)
if (fHelp || params.size() < 1 || params.size() > 2)
throw runtime_error(
"export difficulty\n"
"interval will give difficulty for every Xth block\n"
"directory is the location to export the csv: C:\\example.csv)");
int nInterval = params[0].get_int();
std::string strDir = params[1].get_str();
ofstream File;
File << "Block, Difficulty" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < nBestHeight; i += nInterval)
File << i;
File << ",";
File << GetDifficulty(FindBlockByHeight(i)) << endl;
return "succesfully exported";
I think that certain people might feel a little threatened that some people that aren't part of what I and a few others call "the old guard", are coming together, asking what users want, and coding it.
Thats my best guess. But FUD never really ever makes complete sense to me. It would have made more sense to have a coding "arms race" between competing coins rather than a FUD storm.
EDIT: and just to be clear, Tranz of HBN is a refreshing break from the type of dev I described above. He has taught me many things about PoS, put in unique commits, etc.