Are there any plans to get HYP listed on Bittrex or somewhere a little larger to give the coin more exposure?
Just had a look on coin-swap and 24 hr trading is only 0.005BTC, so very little going on there at the moment.
we really need the hyperstake community to push for new exchanges collectively. Everyone needs to keep tweeting @poloniex and @ExchangeBittrex to try and show this is a coin worth listing for them.
Any update on the dev roadmap?
Right now I am in the middle of launching a local business with a group of partners. This is keeping me very busy and not a whole lot of time to devote to wallet development right now, although I will still be able to do some weekend coding sessions, etc.
What does everyone really want out of HYP? Right now
I am leaning towards not adding an anti-inflation fork, because i don't think it is necessary, but if everyone wants one, I can add one in. What are everyone's thoughts on this?
Other than that, I have all of the new icons that moneromoo has been working on that will be added to the wallet, as well as new RPC commands that I will create over time. I will also be watching all of the work Tranz puts into HBN and porting over whatever I see that would fit HYP well.
I have a fully custom QT GUI that I am working on on the side, but this is a slow project that I am not focusing on a lot right now.
That is my current thoughts for the direction of HYP. If the community wants the speed of development to pick up then we will need a community team to help submit pulls on github.
I am assuming that by this you mean leave the cap at 1K as originally planned?
I think that's quite alright for the time being, as POS is the sole means of mining these coins. The inflation, currently, is not egregious. It can always be capped further in the future if necessary. So far, this has proven to be quite a successful experiment. Far moreso than I thought it would be. I'll be straight up honest here, I joined in because I like you. But that has grown. I think this coin has legs, and I think that we can make something cool out of it. I see it as the spending money arm of POS coins, with the lower staking coins being more along the savings side. In fact, I kind of foresee that as a good marketing goal among the "high" staking community. Coins like HyperStake being used primarily for higher volume transactions and trade for the slower staking coins such as HoboNickels, Fire and TECH. TEK kind of stands in an odd position in that hierarchy, as it's quite a large stake but it takes a good amount of time to reach it.
You, David and I have spoken privately about a trading website that is denominated in some of the high staking coins. I had intended to keep that quiet until I had time to pursue it, but I think the idea is too good to keep under my hat. I don't need the glory, and I'd like to see such a thing get going. So there it is, boys and girls. I had originally conceived it as a marketplace for TEK denominated goods and services, but presstab and David convinced me by mere suggestion that it would be better to make it a few staking currencies. I intend to do this, but it's a big web and a big project. Anyone who is inspired to run with it needs no approval from me, and if you can do it quicker and better than I, I'll support yours.
I believe that this is where digital currencies MUST go if they are to ever be more than an alternate method of acquiring bitcoin or dollars. We need to get real world goods and services traded DIRECTLY for the coins we believe in, or else they will fade away. This is why I'm never in a hurry for a coin to hit the exchanges. When it does, it becomes just one more trick to get bitcoins. Not that exchanges are without value, they are not. But they are a very narrow focus, and that is not the purpose of money.