If you had a $10,000 bankroll, would you go all in? We’re talking 100% can’t lose bet.
Would you take out a loan? How would you go about acquiring a large sum of money if you didn’t have the capital.
Let’s say the match is starting 24 hours from now, what would be your plan to maximize your profit?
Asking for a friend
Obviously there is no such thing as a bet with a 100% chance of winning, so I imagine that there is some irregularity in this that could be:
- A bug detected on the website;
- Bribing a player so that he commits a foul, an own goal, or even causes an expulsion, etc.
Thinking about these hypotheses, I would certainly not even make that bet, because first:
It's illegal... although money is never too much, you need to understand the morality of this issue and also the risks involved. Certainly my imprisonment for justice is not worth the money earned.
Consequently, because it is doing something illegal, there is a possibility that the site will detect the fraud and block all the money invested in the bet, money that will never return to the player.
If your 100% winning bet isn't illegal, I would certainly bet good money (not my entire investment, let alone loans). But I don't see that this is possible.
And then there's this gem - "If your 100% winning bet isn't illegal, I would certainly bet good money". Wow, what faulty reasoning. Even if betting were a science, I doubt its theorem would state that anything is 100% certain. Hey, everyone enjoys a good laugh sometimes. I toast to your novel perspective on the unlikely
Bribing any players is a reality for some smaller leagues but that information are mostly classified and just for the inner circle only because they are the ones who will benefit best from it as for them, it's a business day and for some reasons, they might need that loss or win, either way, we just don't know why.
And for simple terms, to us, the gambler, there's a slight chance that we will have this kind of information as it's not that shared on the outside. And if you're a bettor, then you surely aren't from the inner circle because if you are already benefitting from it in the first place then surely you don't have to wager any money towards it. Makes sense right.
who do make out some claims that they do have some insider information then i wouldn't really be tending on buying out if ever we do see these things around.Its true that its not an information that you could really be able to see on public places or social medias. This is why 99% or even 100% of them are just pretending or simply faking out and luring in people to believe on what he's been saying.This is why it is really that totally risky when you do maximize out your potential profit and taking up some loan just to bet on a certain game just because you've been saying that there is really that match fixing? You dont even know about its source.
Also, when it comes to total gambling or betting experience then it would really be that enjoyable and thrilling if you are the ones who do make out such bet choice rather than on relying into others.
Its not really that something that could assure out some win and also it wont really be that much regretable if ever you had made out the wrong choice.