1. this whole topic is about hypotheticals. so feel free to expand your mind beyond the walls and rules of wall street.
2. its not about more money for everyone. its about ensuring everyone has a minimal SURVIVAL amount
3. my hypothetical is not about everyone gets a lifestyle income to go on non-stop vacation because money is meaningless.. its about everyone has a basic SURVIVAL amount to not starve/freeze to death.
4. my hypothetical is not about being funded via tax. its about taking the 'money creation' away from corporate banks. and making money creation occur in the public sector.(government treasury only funded by blockrewards) thus no tax is required to fund the vulnerable, which is actually a tax reduction, not hike
imagine it. no corporate banks. only public sector mining pools. no transaction fee's(tax) only block rewards
This is a very important topic. Thanks to OP.
We use bitcoin, We are the futurist geeks of society. It is our duty to think about the consequences of ‘fully automation’ to the society ( when I say ‘fully automation’ I meant “human out of loop” and the jobs that will disappear as consequence of that automation)
I do believe that we should start with ethics. Since ethics are build blocks of social rules. (Etiquette, Law and Legislation, Politics, etc).
Thanks to franky1 for brought the general ethical guidance.
Btw anyone more interested about ethics I would suggest a free MOOC course from
University of Michigan
Data Science Ethics
I am following that course and I really enjoying it.
When talk about computers, AI, automation, etc I would like to do some analogies that maybe will remind Industrial Revolution and our beloved bitcoin economics …. I will start my line of thought using Bitcoin Mining (Electricity Traders ?) as my entry point on the conversation and if the conversation involves I will post more comments ...
So my thoughts about automation (under Creative Commons (CC) license) ...
Bitcoin for Kids (a fairy tale book)
In the begin Satoshi had a job. Satoshi was a Bitcoin Miner … he used to mining bitcoin manually with a pencil and paper ..
Ref: Mining Bitcoin with pencil and paper: 0.67 hashes per day
Before Him, his father, his great father .. great great father also was a bitcoin miner but used to mining with differents tools and the hashes per day was less than 0.00000067
Ref: The History of Computers