If there was a plan to use Bitcoin as a universal basic income when automation and robotics remove >50 of the work force and you were on the team to develop a strategy to make this happen, what kinds of things would you suggest?
A major issue would be funding and how to decide who gets how much.
This question does assume it would make more sense than using cash deposits, what are some reasons you would argue why this is the case?
What would I suggest?
How about NOT stealing other people's money to redistribute? It's called Socialism. Every country in the world practices it to some degree through taxation and welfare. UBI is socialism/welfare repackaged and marketed through fear (robots gunna steal our jobs oh nooooo) to gullible idiots who haven't grown up yet or are too stupid to understand basic economics.
It's been tried and it always collapses eventually. You always run out of other peoples money!
Have you heard of the 80/20 rule or Pareto's principle? It's about 20% of your efforts that usually gets you 80% of your results. It can also be applied to the population as a whole. 20% of people are responsible for 80% of the world's productivity. Of course this is a rule of thumb. The point is that a small percentage of people are massive achievers, most are somewhere in the middle and do ok, and the rest are leeches.
You are not helping the people on the bottom by voting money away from the most successful. Rather, you are creating a growing dependence on a system. A system that is no better than theft I would add. What makes it moral for 3 men to vote and steal from the other 2? So you're hurting those in need and also destroying incentives on both ends. Why work if you get it for free? On the other hand, why work when it just get's taken from you?
You can feed me bullshit about how you can micromanage it and dole out the perfect percentages in order to still incentivize people into working, but that's delusional.
What does "jobs" even mean? Why are people, and specifically the government so hung up on the term? Jobs didn't even exist hundreds of years ago and people still survived. Jobs are simply your means of survival. Are people really so intellectually lazy that they can't possibly think of how to make money in the future? Surely robots need programming, maintenance, etc. And when it gets to the point that we don't have anything to do because EVERYTHING is automated then why do you need a fucking "job"? You'll be enjoying your life of abundance.