You are right, you do not have to, but if you continue to operate within the lending atmosphere without any history or reputation then you will find yourself compelled to do so lest you find yourself out of business. You are complaining about the escrow rates, while encouraging your clients to use these escrows and eat the fees themselves. There are better options in every sense, so we are simply trying to help you to improve your service or only uninformed desperate users that have not done their research will be your clients. Being a newbie may not change your terms, but it certainly influences how people are likely to react to your terms. Continue to operate with a self-centered mindset and you will not find your service very successful.
Zazarb proves this point.
1% per day, on top of the interest being charged on the loan, which is an additional 0.5% per day. Unless OP is willing to match your price as they claim, in which case it would only be 1.3% per day, but still a much worse deal than just simply using zazarb for the loan entirely. You can avoid the escrow, when the lender is reputable.
The only way for OP to match Zazarb's rate, while maintaining an escrow and paying them 1% daily would be to offer a -0.7% rate, in which case you would be paying those that lend from you in order for them to still not break even on the escrow. Your options are either, change your terms or serve to primarily benefit a 3rd party escrow.
1% a day is extremely overpriced for an escrow. Not sure how you're doing your math, it doesn't make much sense at all.