Then there's Ahmaddiya Islam, heck even the Druze religion can be classified as a branch from Islam. There are so many branches, perhaps not as many as Christianity, but there's still a lot that many people don't even realize. My dad's family is from Afghanistan and he would compare these different sects all the time.
But for me - I love Sufism because it speaks to my soul.
"When you let go of who you are, you become who you might be." - Rumi
Salam to all!
You are talking about school all over America.
, I think I would change the words of the Sufi poet and philosopher Rumi to "When you let go of who you are, when you find who you really are, this is when you will find the Divine and beauty in all".
I was raised by a Christian mother and a Muslim dad, I have learned from both philosophies and religions. I can't say I adhere to both or to one and not to the other, I've found my own path and I call it the "path of the Individual". For I truly believe in the Individual and not the so called Collective mindset, look at what Collectivism is doing to our world. It is destroying the fabric of society because of "group think" and the focus on centralizing power in Governments, Businesses etc is a danger to individual freedoms.