You should try to get some Mintcoin (MINT).
Mintcoin is extremely fast. For example, Confirmations are 20x faster than Bitcoin (30 seconds vs 10 minutes). In this day and age, money needs to be flowing for economic activity to progress, and to know that your money is good to go within seconds is a great feature. (Think of it like knowing that someone's check has cleared the bank within seconds, with MINT you know they are good for the money in seconds). If you were to pay for your food at a restaurant, with Mintcoin, you just scan a QR code for the menue item, and the waiter can see that the money is in and paid for right away, without excessive wait times. Makes business much easier. Speed is just one thing that sets Mintcoin apart.
Another thing that sets Mintcoin apart is it's fungibility. MINT has almost 22-billion coins as of this writing. A large coin supply is essential to be able to be easily tradeable and widely adopted on a global scale. This coin supply will gradually continue to grow at a fixed rate in the future. The fact of the matter is, coins get lost over time. Unlike say, precious metals like gold, Crypto-coins that are lost are gone out of the money supply forever. The problem is that eventually a coin such as bitcoin could become to rare and unaffordable, it will fail to be practically used in everyday trading, and microvaluations. If that happens, the value could actually drop out of the bottom, quickly be abandoned and result in a collapse. In the coming years, Mintcoin will offer a 5% annual percentage rate for savers (minters). Since many coins will not be saved for minting, and intead be used for transactions, not everyone will mint their coins, so the savers who are the minters will gain a slight edge in yield over spenders. The benefits of this is that by rewarding savers, it promotes conservative spending behavior, rather than wastful spending tendencies. If everyone saves their coins, they will increase in value, resulting in a wealth effect for all users. 5% I'd consider to be the ideal rate, as any higher runs the risk of being inflationary, and any lower, will likely have the result of becoming unfungible as I discussed above. So MINT has the ideal and perfect balance in this respect. As we have already started to witness with Mintcoin's price this year, the wealth effect is already starting to take root, which I put forth will become even stronger in the years to come.
Another thing that sets Mintcoin apart that should not be overlooked is that our community organizer is a woman. As far as I know, no other crypto-coin has this. She is basically the first woman to step up to take such a prominent role in all of crypto-coin history. So far she is doing an excellent job. There are few women in this field, and if this gets attention, and other women rally around her, it could really be a boon for this market in general. MINT has cryptomommy ^ ^
The Mintcoin name also sets it apart, at it ideally describes in lay terms what is happening, without trying to explain to people proof of stake. You simply save your coins to mint coins. The name is unrivalled. MINT has awesome connotations. It is so "mint". It is like "mint" condition.
The Mintcoin logo is also perfect to represent Money. An "M". Identifiable as M oney sign. And tick marks represent it as money too. Also a great minty color scheme.
Another thing, is Mintcoin was released initially as proof of work over a year ago, for the initial distribution. This was before the scrypt ASICs were invented, and it was converted to 100% proof of stake a few weeks later right before they came on the market. This helped to ensure a fairer distribution of initial coins because nowadays, there are basically corporate mining monopolies to hog all initial distributions of new coins, and it is less fair and balanced nowadays. Mintcoin made the switch at the right time.
Furthermore, Mintcoin is energy efficient. No mining gear is required to maintain the network and no mining gear is required to mint new coins. The way I look at it, invest what you would put into mining gear, directly into buying Mintcoin itself, and save it into an address that you name "would-be mining gear". Then watch when after about 20 says or so, that " would-be mining gear" starts minting new coins! It is the a great feeling. Buying the coins, also helps raise the price over time too, so each newly minted coin becomes even more valuable. And then if you want to re-invest the newly minted coins, it is simple, just keep saving, and the new coins you just minted will start minting new coins too! So basically MINT is a wealth producer, as by its design it does not need outside mining equipment and extra electricity, and the coins themselves are like little miners for you, that will keep working efficiently for you. Unlike mining gear that loses value and ability to mine over time, mintcoins will hold their value and maintain their ability to mint new coins if you keep saving them.
Mintcoin is a true asset. By the definition that the coins themselves are cash flow producing, in the form of new coins. That right there is the main concept, for wealth effect. For example, Gold doesn't produce anything, but mintcoins do. You don't have to do anything either, allows for a potential retirement opportunity, without a lot of work. Just simple run the wallet, and save your coins, and watch them grow.
The combination of all of this makes Mintcoin the coin of choice.
I think mintcoin is dead like pnd