Wandering through the board today, soaking in all the delicious, xenophobic hate, something occurred to me. Since American outcry at illegal immigration is based in 1)they took our jobs and 2) they are bad hombres, let's examine why illegal aliens are here in the first place.
To work.
Last time I checked, you need a job to work. And in the Good Ole U S of A, it's illegal to hire undocumented workers. So, why aren't we arresting the people that are committing treason by hiring these guys? T
What an incredibly rational and logical idea!
You know why it doesn't happen? Because employers have money and they contribute to political campaigns. And the US Political system is one that needs to be bought into rather than simply voted for upon the good of the people.
And you're so right in the idea of if Trump really wants MAGA, his version, to be reality, he needs to stop his catering to the special interests, traditional politicians, and corporations. He needs to deploy laws that make logical sense - note that building a wall is not one of those ideas, not in the age of airplanes, boats, tunnels, and ladders.