Wandering through the board today, soaking in all the delicious, xenophobic hate, something occurred to me. Since American outcry at illegal immigration is based in 1)they took our jobs and 2) they are bad hombres, let's examine why illegal aliens are here in the first place.
To work.
Last time I checked, you need a job to work. And in the Good Ole U S of A, it's illegal to hire undocumented workers. So, why aren't we arresting the people that are committing treason by hiring these guys? They wouldn't come here if there were no jobs. So why not punish the transgressors AND those that facilitate the transgressions, equally? Are we gonna let guys go that would rather pay less and not use American workers, rather than pay a decent wage and use Americans? I meant, what would Trump do?
He would get those UnAmerican sons of bitches right out of here. Giving away our jobs, making us build a wall. Doesn't that seem not bigly at all? WEAK!
So if we are making America great again, why don't we start at the top? Harsher penalties on employing illegals would discourage the employment of said illegals, and why would you come here for no jobs?
Or is the reason that most business owners are white, rich and male, and that this would overwhelming only affect them?
Your thoughts. And I want the trolls to come out. I'm getting paid to refute D grade ignorance from bigoted bastards, this is a liberal wet dream, I assure you.
What makes you think that migrants take your jobs? If the place is empty so it is not yours. Why do you think that Trump can tell me who to hire? This is my business and not for him to decide whom to hire. If you like you will say such words, you may encounter a problem when the protest will only accept migrants.
I think you misunderstood me. I think Trump's deportation order is harmful and non productive.
I personally don't think migrants take our jobs. Last time I checked, mowing grass, cleaning a hotel or someones house, or picking produce was not something I'm really that into. Any American for that matter, but that's a different thread. Here, it's against the law to hire undocumented workers (the kind that the deportation order is trying to push out). I'm saying, if these guys are breaking the law being here, but actual citizens are breaking the law (by hiring them)
and perpetuating the problem, why don't we punish both? Arrest the American with the Mexicans. That's only fair, no?
I'm not talking about the travel ban. That's a whole different stupid. I'm talking about the directive for ICE to deport illegal immigrants who are only here to work. It's not so much stupid as ignorant (things will cost alot more without the cheap labor these guys provide). Also, not winning too many popularity points with Mexico over this.