I think we already talked @ Github
I try it. But everytime , when i open btcrecoverseed, it doesn't work.
I guess you mean that: extract-electrum-halfseed.py
yep, because "
extract-electrum-halfseed.py" and "extract-electrum2-partmpk.py" do not work with encrypted wallets.
And i'm sure that the wallet is from Electrum. I can't understand why my password who i wrote and the seed doesn't work.
There was a bug on my HDD when i changed Electrum version.
you ever used the password after you have changed it? If yes, and it worked - your Wallet-File is probably Corrupt (somehow) - if not, then you probably made an mistake while creating the new password.
my recommendation:
Start with the "Typos", so you can exclude that you have errors with upper/lower letters, swapt letters, missing letters or double letters. (these are usually the most common mistakes)
EDIT: I just see that HCP has already recommended this to you.
Best Regards
Yes we talk about it on github !
You ask the right question. I think but i'm not sure, the new password worked on electrum 3.04. Then i installed 3.05 and few days later , when i try to open my wallet with the same password, it doesn't work.
There is two explanations for my problem :
- Like you said, the wallet is corrupted. I don't know what to think...Can i know for sure if my wallet is corrupted? Can i analyze the file and see if they are some errors ? I'm sure they was a problem with my hdd.
I can't restore old version of this wallet. And for my other wallet, i can, why ?
- Or like you said my password is wrong. I made an error when typing it. But i check my keyboard and i was very careful when changing my password.
I copy / paste it on notepad file to not make mistakes.
Now until the end of a week, i making new passwordlist.txt with multiple combinaisons and i will try it on btcrecover.
On Monday, i will tell here if i succeed.
Thanks for all of you guys, to helping me. I can't loose this money so i will try anything to recover it. If i can i will sell my wallet to anyone who can deal with this problem...
Thanks again, i hope i had good news monday. If you have any suggestions, contact me.