The point is that when retailers/exchanges start following the blacklist it changes it into something that is controlled by an entity which may or may not have accurate information.
It's just my opinion that Bitcoin is fine the way it is...if I lose all my BTC so be it...just like if I lose my cash so be it.
There is no central blacklist. There is no website that has a list. It would just be an option to avoid addresses you don't want to do business with. It's that simple.
If a retailer or an exchange chooses to blacklist an address, they lose business from that address. This isn't central control. It's voluntary.
You are trying to make the idea into big brother when it isn't. It's quite the opposite. I'll try to give you an example.
I'm suggesting everyone carry a gun to protect themselves and others from assault.
You are saying that I'm asking for a police force with authority that the average citizen doesn't have.
I'm only suggesting people police themselves. What is so scary about that?
You are suggesting that people ban certain coins/wallets based on things that cannot be proven, I understand its voluntary, as is participation in a decentralized currency...that is my point. Some people like the decentralization...some don't, if you want this tracking make it...don't expect me to use it.
Who decides what gets on the blacklist? How is that not a central authority? All it takes is enough people to go along with the blacklist...and enough people claiming that certain btc need to be blacklisted to discredit the entire system. The point is who decides...I still have seen very little proof that ANY btc need to be do what you want...follow blockexplorer and you can make your own list.
You decide! You blacklist the address! You! Good lord. Did I not say individual voluntary blacklisting enough times.
People can present their evidence, you can choose.
Yes, you can follow block explorer now. But you can't enter addresses in the client that you want to block. You would have to check the address after a transaction and return the coins. And then your address would be linked with that address, which is what I'm trying to avoid in the first place. I don't want my coins mixed up with Hilter's coins. Get it?
Plus browsing the block chain is tedious for a human when it could be simple for a machine.
Holliday, I think you should just give up. It seems some people can't even read what you're typing or have severe comprehension problems.
You got that police report handy allinvain...otherwise I don't care about your plight any longer.