I'm not sure man, not gonna lie just to make you baghold. I think new money will enter when the price will be lower and we could get a chance of another pretty big bull run but I don't think will see 400$ again.
Not exactly where you are going with the above...but if the case is btc will never hit $400 bucks again then it is a 'failure' and will die..if that is what you are saying
that is my view from a long term perspecive it has to 'eventually' get above $400 usd someday imho.
If you take the view that 'open source' bitcoin will survive in the future ..then price will have to reflect that fact as difficulty goes up from mining along with even the corresponding if modest only adoption as it plugs along...etc...if NOT then
the whole thing is just a speculative 'bubble' that will pop when/if that end point is ever reached and your point is correct about it never making $400 usd again
imho it will make $400 on my bet that it will survive in some manner ..now that could be 2 months or 12 years ...but if it does survive then it is a lot like land
swamp land may be 2 bucks an acre
ny time square way be 50 mil an acre
but no one says in any way/shape of form that says that 'land' is gonna go away ...'poof' like they say about crypto and specifically bitcoin it all comes down to adoption and price
if indeed btc or say ltc crypto is gonna hang around long term or not.
so my bet is really really long term ...10 years plus .....it will hit $400 again (again my point of view) ..if my main point is correct and it survives...if it don't survive
well..then all the price stuff is moot anyway and if my view is correct in this meandering look at the future if it does make it past 10 years and beyond..BTC will be
worth more then 400 usd at some point in time.
hey even at one time the land where they built Disneyland was swampland ......we could get lucky..thus the bet on crypto by me and others on its LONG TERM
OPEN SOURCE SURVIVAL in some manner....as to price/adoption/regulations and the rest ...well no control over that.....I can scoop up what limited amount of BTC
there is in the world at this time via buying it or mining it however....according to what i wish to risk $$$ wise further (or not) ..if I am taking this bet of long term btc survival
and again what the heck it is only $$ someday when they stick you in the assisted living after taking all your stuff away ..you will only have the chances you took
and your toothbrush/crummy bathrobe and slippers so what the heck take a chance
and remember " whatever happens in bitcoin stays in bitcoin".... if it does go belly up that modified Vegas slogan will be used by us all ..denial denial denial on how
much btc we had/have or that we drank the kool aid back in the day... (always good
to have a back up plan)