Sigh, look at the x axis. My graph started on July 2010, yours started at the beginning of 2011.
My argument still stands.
And not to mention that the scale of your graph is completely off.
The distance between $20 and $50 is the same as between $0.2 and $0.5.
Nice try.
You are showing yourself to be quite dumb, or ignorant.
This IS the point of log scale, and it apply to many things (not only economics).
For example, the pitch of the center key on a Piano is 440Hz. (also known a A4). A3 (one octave below), is 220Hz, A5 (one octave above) is 880Hz.
thus, a graph of "A" notes in a piano would be: 55, 110, 220, 440, 880, etc...
The volume also works that way, when you say something is 100 db, and sound twice as louder as 50 db, actually 100 db is MUCH more than twice, because dbs are in log scale.
Population increase, also happen in log scale.
Popularity increase (the driving force behind bitcoin price increase) is also in log scale.
1 person, informs 2.
If those 2 persons, inform more 2 each, the result is 4 persons.
If those 4, inform 2 each, now we have 8.
Then 16
Ok, that's cool. By putting the data in a logarithmic scale you've intentionally creating misleading data like the other guy said. Use a linear scale, that's what it should look like. If you had a linear line over a logarithmic scale you'd be assuming exponential growth, which is extremely misleading.