We start with a password using eight characters form a - z (no capitals).
26^8 = 208827064576
This happens when you also use numbers.
36^8 = 2821109907456
This happens when you add common symbols (! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + - . , / [ ] ^ < > { })
48^8 = 28179280429056
This happens when you add capitals.
52^8 = 53459728531456
This happens when you add one single character
26^9 = 5429503678976
This happens if you choose three words from the list:
98569^3 = 957681397954009
This happens if you choose four words from the list:
98569^4 = 94397697714928713121
But please choose words which do not form a meaningful sentence or are logically connected in other ways, and make sure it is at least 12 characters long in total. "one two three" is a terrible password. "lion Malaysia snow cutlery" is a very good one.