Interesting read.
I don't know who to stick up for:
1. Dumb guy who got lucky winning 100 btc because of a bug. Really dumb sending it to btc-e for quick cashout.
2. Hacker who took a gambling site for 100 btc. If you're gonna hack someone it was a good choice. Like gambling sites don't "steal" on a regular basis. Then again, really dumb sending it to btc-e for quick cashout.
Option 1 would fit the situation more. Bitdice has stated that the account that drained their bankroll has no records on playing dice before. It seems that this guy isnt really a "hacker" but more likely got lucky that he created a new account and found out that his account got 10
BTC. Therefore he keep on making new account and keep on withdrawing
After release of Blackjack, there was left some test code which adds 10BTC for new accounts. That's was very stupid and I fully accept that.
There were no dice playing by that user, he didn't win anything - he just stole the funds from the account.