You actually provided what is mathematically set in stone already. There are more average persons in the world than there are Bitcoin!
Which means that not every average person will ever be able to hold an entire Bitcoin. Psychologically I think this is an important aspect to consider when you are getting into Bitcoin. Avoid FOMO because you set some idealistic investment goal like "I need 1.0 Bitcoin no matter what and as quickly as possible". If your cash flow only allows for slow and steady, then stick with slow and steady and just by sticking to that you are probably better off than the average person in the long run.
Being an average person in terms of income does not necessarily equate to being an average investor as well. Sticking to principles, continuously revising your investment strategy if necessary and persistently sticking to what you set up as your strategy can get you further than some of the higher income persons.
Also as you said it depends on where you are in the world.
This thread by LoyceV is labeled "What can 1 Bitcoin buy in your country?" and the result to that question can be very different. Now the thread doesn't adjust for time differences in Bitcoin's price I think, but still 0.25 Bitcoin can get you very far in one country and not so far in another. But owning 0.25 Bitcoin is aways better than owning none, and a lot of people in the world own none (yet).
That's correct; the average person isn't aiming to acquire Bitcoin, but I believe that you understand my point: someone who's willing to acquire through purchasing by earning an average wage In theory, it will take years, but in practice, due to its volatility and the expected increase in price in the following years, it'll take way over a decade to achieve it, and it's still not guaranteed by any means.
In my opinion, there is a certain life rule - if you say "I can't do it", then you are right. If you say - "I can do it!" - then you are also right. It all depends on your attitude and your desire to achieve the goal.
If you set yourself the goal of saving 1 Bitcoin, then you will save it. A friendly universe fulfills the desires of people.
At the same time, it does not matter what the average salary in Greece is. People receive income not only in the form of wages, there are many ways to become a rich person. On the other hand, perhaps wealth is not your goal.
At the same time, if in the future the price of Bitcoin rises to $1,000,000, then 0.2 BTC will also become a large amount of money ($200,000).
I know that I sound like a pessimist; however, I find it completely unrealistic, at least for the following few years. I'm not in a hurry, nor am I satisfied with my progress, although I've come to terms with the fact that there's a decent chance that I won't ever accumulate a whole Bitcoin. It might happen, but most likely it will not.