I am working on a content subscription system that will give the paying person access to all paid-for content on my blog (that was created under the brand-Dream Islands Publishing).
At the moment I plan to make this a one off fee for a lifetime membership as the BTC protocol and system isn't really designed to handle monthly subscriptions like the Direct Debit system is in the UK.
Here's what I hope to achieve:
1.A one-off fee that give's a lifetime acess to all content that is produced (that's paid for)
2.A straightforward system for everyone to manage,signup to and understand.
3.The content delivery shall have a diverse range of content (this means written articles,videos,sounds,images and perhaps even some items I create that can be licensed in other people's works)
4.A simply step system which goes something like this: person sends payment to me > the person then PMs me asking for a pass (code) to grant access to paid for subscription) and all content for this) > easy access to all content paid for by lifetime subscription > job done
5. A 1 BTC one off fee for life for every member.This beats (nearly all) media subscriptions and magazines in most of the world. (and real life-look at subscriptions in the UK and you'll see what I mean)
6.A recognisable brand for this service that people can understand and later come to trust. (Like Dream Islands Publishing)
7.Later on, once the setup is more established,this will expand to let guest writers get a piece of the pie (funded by making their articles pay-per-view rather than part of the subscription,if people don't feel ready to buy a full subscription yet that is.)
Any feedback will be helpful and please no scammers or trolling as that's not constructive for anyone here. Why make this system? I feel it's high time that Bitcoin be put to more media friendly applications that are also straightforward. I saw how successfull Matthew N Wright was with his magazine subscription:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/pre-order-bitcoin-magazine-quality-control-final-revisions-on-proofs-61017 and I figured if that can take off so can this.
When the trial roll out starts, you'll see an update on here for the first 5 testers who will enjoy a special subscription rate (instead of the usual rate) that will be for life.