So 100 x 2500 = 250,000 upfront.
needed by april 30th. And no one has reviewed the model to see how it works.
Searing has mentioned more then once this looks like old school asic ripoff.
I have been in the game before Asic's and there are so many red flags here it is amazing.
for 2500 I can have a three card 1080 ti gpu rig up and running in 2 days. it would do around 2000h at zec and use 650 watts
it will earn 14 usd a day 10 cent power would be 1.60 a day so it would net 12.40 a day 100 days from now you would have
1240 back. and warrantied gear in hand . If you buy into this in 100 days you will need to send 2500 more and if you are lucky have gear in hand. and it works as advertised. so you would be out 5000 hoping coin price and diff allow for return of the 5k.
Above is the good case scenario .
This is really high risk. I smell a BFL or a KNC be carefull.
Now I will be the first to say the other x-11 asic I said don't buy and I was wrong . So I could be wrong here.
But I am buying nvidia and mining zec. My balls have shrunken a bit with age.
Good luck to you all that buy this.
My problem beyond all this is the timeline is too tight as well.
ASSUMING it is also have the issue of asic mnfg has EVER delivered less then 1 month late (even KNC)
it's a pre-order
on the other hand....I kinda NEED the 25% off equip depreciation looks this year...thus instead of a 5k risk to me it is a 4k risk
in that even if I get ripped off I can take 25% off taxes paid in revenue...which again ..this year ...raining unicorns is an issue
So man, people are gonna really really have to step up with a review of a protype that does the hash, has more then a 35 day or silly
warranty (the last miners these guys made were more then touchy I heard)
lots of eggs in 1 basket...for 2 frigging days
IF they gave us more time ..and/or did not care about the 100 limit..because they wanted the cheerleading effect of a group buy to push
further product...lots of stuff they could do hold our hands and limit our risk to the usual suspects...of timeline moved on a pre-order.
I took this chance in 2013 and it worked with a knc Jupiter 550gh miner......I took this chance with a knc Titan and got it 6 months late
and it did not ROI for like 1.5years (sheesh...damn they are evil ...unkillable) ...alpha tech scrypt (burnt but got money back)....etc
So hell, if we had more time, if they did not care if we met the limit of 100 after the meeting/review, then the only issue is usual am
I dumb to get a pre-order, will it work, will they deliver on time, what is the warranty like.
I'm stupid to even think of a pre-order after all this time (not a newbie) but if I'm gonna crap shoot...I want the same rules I've had in the past asic gambles.
my 2 satashoi's worth (also drank the bfl kool aid in my 8k back by a fluke 1 year plus I speak from a certain expertise on 'stupid pre-orders')
(man that last statement is a bit too true for my ego)
edit: the 90 warranty is not all that great either (as I read thru the blurb on this again)
As an example KNC's 300mh scrypt-pow Titan Firmware did not work the first 2 months of the 3 months
and they stopped any new firmware updates around that 90 day mark to an example)