
Topic: [ICO] [ANN] BITFXT EXCHANGE AND BITFXT COIN (BXT) - page 2. (Read 1756 times)

Activity: 1078
Merit: 21
BXT ICO is currently in have partnerships with: Binance, Forkdelta, Idex, Yobit. I think now you can answer yourself for your question Smiley

I got information about partnersfrom their telegram admin.
Really? It's a great news, I will try to ask again about it on telegram Wink

I'm so excited but I have a quesion too, when ICO will end? I just checked on webiste, ICO will end 786 days more? but on the roadmap it will end on November 27th, 2018. I'm confuse about this  Roll Eyes
it looks like this project is already running, Bitfxt is an exchanger from Africa, it's like the ICO project from Golix, where they have run projects and started ico, so you don't need to be confused, because the Roadmap will run before ico is finished.
Activity: 1092
Merit: 29
'Free as a bird'
BXT ICO is currently in have partnerships with: Binance, Forkdelta, Idex, Yobit. I think now you can answer yourself for your question Smiley

I got information about partnersfrom their telegram admin.
Really? It's a great news, I will try to ask again about it on telegram Wink

I'm so excited but I have a quesion too, when ICO will end? I just checked on webiste, ICO will end 786 days more? but on the roadmap it will end on November 27th, 2018. I'm confuse about this  Roll Eyes
Activity: 210
Merit: 0
Bitfxt is the project that worthy to invest. Being responsible of the team on their project is very dedicated. This is the nice project that have less fees.
Activity: 195
Merit: 0
This project has an impressive concept and enthusiastic team, I check their profiles and find them really committed on this project, I wish for BXT success and more positive announcement to come.
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
... but will the BXT coin only be used on the BXT exchange? or later will listing in other markets?
BXT ICO is currently in have partnerships with: Binance, Forkdelta, Idex, Yobit. I think now you can answer yourself for your question Smiley

I got information about partnersfrom their telegram admin.

Where did this information came from, do you have links to where I can confirm about this?
Activity: 210
Merit: 0
BITFXT is the one with the nice platform now. This is a great project and idea that help us easy. This project will be successful.
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1008
... but will the BXT coin only be used on the BXT exchange? or later will listing in other markets?
BXT ICO is currently in have partnerships with: Binance, Forkdelta, Idex, Yobit. I think now you can answer yourself for your question Smiley

I got information about partnersfrom their telegram admin.
hero member
Activity: 938
Merit: 500
neighboring exchager project and at the same time making BXT coins. and the total supply is only 20,000,000 BXT. I think it's interesting to follow.
but will the BXT coin only be used on the BXT exchange? or later will listing in other markets?
Activity: 195
Merit: 0
According to Bitfxt, your platform is one of the fastest exchanges in the market today, then how much  matching engine are you capable to sustain?
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Can you please make Bitfxt Cointracker more clear... how can I use it without login?
is it safe?
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
There are hundreds of exchanges that went down due to being hacked. How will you give a solution for this? How will assure the security of our assets on your BXTExchange?
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
i think for the running of this campaign will being a good successfull because all of the team has working hard and dev was manage all the best can work i hope someday many investors will come and join invest many more
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
Bitfxt mobile apps has the power to make money fits well in your pocket. You can easily access your account with ease at any time and anywhere and it is user friendly and works in any android device.

Activity: 195
Merit: 0
hi BXT, your project has an edge in achieving success, I just want to know if you have an affiliate program and how can I join.
Activity: 2212
Merit: 1008
how many team member that you running in this project ...
I quote from the website;


Bitfxt team is made up of passionate fintech / blockchain developers and enthusiasts who are committed to seeing a more trasparent and secure ecosystem.

  • Franklin Peters
  • Engr. Ngozi Emefiena
  • Barr. Mike Ani
  • Subramania
  • Mubashar Iqbal
  • Gabriel Ojibe, I.
  • Reginald Felton
  • Eden Gomez
  • Ojobe C. Prince
  • Emmanuel Adams.

Do they have social media account where I can read more about them?
Yes, they have a social media account.

Click this link;

After that you will be directed to the website, directly to the team profile;

Click the picture, you will be automatically directed to the profile of the "linkedin" social media team.
sr. member
Activity: 728
Merit: 252
Very good choice, just join to succeed in this project and get the various benefits of this project, keep supporting and giving your best work, good luck working.
Activity: 210
Merit: 0
Bitfxt is an mobile apps that bring blockchain closer to the people. It is the wallet that they surely secure to trade. This is very nice concept that we need.
Activity: 195
Merit: 0
how many team member that you running in this project ...
I quote from the website;


Bitfxt team is made up of passionate fintech / blockchain developers and enthusiasts who are committed to seeing a more trasparent and secure ecosystem.

  • Franklin Peters
  • Engr. Ngozi Emefiena
  • Barr. Mike Ani
  • Subramania
  • Mubashar Iqbal
  • Gabriel Ojibe, I.
  • Reginald Felton
  • Eden Gomez
  • Ojobe C. Prince
  • Emmanuel Adams.

Do they have social media account where I can read more about them?
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
BitFXT is vault wallet,exchange platform..this project will give thier investors a safe wallet and decentralized platform...I wish for  the best BITFXT!!!

Why did you say so that it is secured, does BXTWallet has private keys, and is this already available for downloads on the apps store?
jr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 2
Let's make this project successful guys!I believed in this project and this project will success if we helped each other from Dev to thier community,bitFXT your crypto investment shine your life soon...
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