
Topic: [ICO] [ANN] BITFXT EXCHANGE AND BITFXT COIN (BXT) - page 3. (Read 1756 times)

Activity: 2212
Merit: 1008
how many team member that you running in this project ...
I quote from the website;


Bitfxt team is made up of passionate fintech / blockchain developers and enthusiasts who are committed to seeing a more trasparent and secure ecosystem.

  • Franklin Peters
  • Engr. Ngozi Emefiena
  • Barr. Mike Ani
  • Subramania
  • Mubashar Iqbal
  • Gabriel Ojibe, I.
  • Reginald Felton
  • Eden Gomez
  • Ojobe C. Prince
  • Emmanuel Adams.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
how many team member that you running in this project and what country cant participate of this project ? can you perform earlier an exchanger if did nkt reach the hardcap but softcap is relach? what kind of exchanger is that?
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
Bitfxt is the cheapest cryptocurrency exchange in terms of fees.
Very nice idea
Some exchanger are higher transaction fees.
Activity: 210
Merit: 0
Bitfxt is the mobile apps platform that helps us to easily use to trade. The teams are very responsible to their projects and hardworking. They are always active and answering some question about their projects.
Activity: 238
Merit: 0
Bitfxt mobile apps has the power to make money fits well in your pocket. You can easily access your account with ease at any time and anywhere and it is user friendly and works in any android device.
Activity: 224
Merit: 0
Bitfxt is have a very nice platform that helps us in trading using our android phone. They have a nice idea on their project that easily to learn about trading.

I agree, I used to visit their telegram community channel and their CEO is very much approachable and the rest of the team/admins, they were all ready to make chitchats with their supporters. I hope for the success of this project and I plan to buy more BXT waiting for the market to recover from downtrend.

So, what else could we ask for? Bitfxt Exchange is the great answer that we are looking for in an exchange. Trading and some simple transactions will be more enjoyable as much as possible.
Activity: 195
Merit: 0
Bitfxt is have a very nice platform that helps us in trading using our android phone. They have a nice idea on their project that easily to learn about trading.

I agree, I used to visit their telegram community channel and their CEO is very much approachable and the rest of the team/admins, they were all ready to make chitchats with their supporters. I hope for the success of this project and I plan to buy more BXT waiting for the market to recover from downtrend.
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
As an investors I just want assurance for my investment,can you please tell me if what can be your strategy to preserve your token price, in times where dumping is happening do you have plans to buy back your token?
jr. member
Activity: 243
Merit: 1 - POS Smart Contract ETH Token
These days exchange token are getting known. How are you sure that this exchange will be used widely by users.. There is absolutely so many exchange coming in and out. How are you sure that this will be, not those one who exits?
copper member
Activity: 217
Merit: 0
Bxtcoin project has been added to blockchain BASE.INFO

jr. member
Activity: 448
Merit: 2
BitFXT is vault wallet,exchange platform..this project will give thier investors a safe wallet and decentralized platform...I wish for  the best BITFXT!!!
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
Bitfxt Exchange was designed to be the best and first of its kind.
Great project.....
Activity: 224
Merit: 0
The team behind Bitfxt Exchange are consists of several passionate blockchain enthusiasts from diverse backgrounds, scattered all over the world. Its platform will provide an interactive systems and tools that will hasten the mainstream acceptance of the blockchain technology.
Activity: 238
Merit: 0
Bitfxt will charge variations of 0.25% or more per trade depending on the condition of the market at the time of trade to ensure the system stability. It will be subsequently introduced volume based tiering and fee promotions.
Activity: 210
Merit: 0
Bitfxt is have a very nice platform that helps us in trading using our android phone. They have a nice idea on their project that easily to learn about trading.
Activity: 195
Merit: 0
What exchange you plan to be listed aside from BXTExchange? Some projects now been listed while sales is ongoing, do you consider this option too to widen your popularity and to boost the confident of your investors?
Activity: 70
Merit: 0
Bitfxt, you have a wonderful platform, features as well, but my question is how are you going to handle situation like downtrend of the market which is happening at the moment,do you have some action plans regarding on this matter, are ready for this kind of situation?
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
How many teams that will you running in this project ? for the dev what kind of freebies that will you came to me if gonna invest me are you trying to make blog in youtibe for sure the team and project was running to make sure every investors was not make mistake to invest in this project ?
sr. member
Activity: 728
Merit: 252
Does this project work with other projects? how to deal with collaboration to create something that is very useful for many people? Thank you, good luck.
Activity: 378
Merit: 0
If i gping to invest how much minimum can i invest ? some project has icant reach to invest because a high price for minimum invest and others platform was not clearly from me i hope i can afford for the price hopefully please answers and thanks advance
Token Price: 1ETH = 3000 BXT Private Sale

Stage 1/5

Public Sale [Stage 1 to 4]: 1ETH = 2500 BXT | 1ETH = 2000 BXT | 1ETH = 1500 BXT and 1ETH = 1000 BXT

Minimum purchase = 0.1 ETH

Accepted payment: ETH, LTC & BTC

BXT ICO Crypto token will be paid to you instantly as soon as your payment is confirmed.

Complete information;

How long does the public sale will run? Is there a bonus for reffering potential investors or maybe somekind of discounts for early birds? I do believe BXT coins is a worthy future investment that should not missed at all..
Information from whitepaper;

2018/09/27 - ICO Public sale start
2018/11/27 - ICO public sale end. BXT coin ICO ended

For price discount, as I explained above;

Stage 1; 1ETH = 2500 BXT
Stage 2; 1ETH = 2000 BXT
Stage 3; 1ETH = 1500 BXT
Stage 4; 1ETH = 1000 BXT
Satge 5; There is no discount

What if you did not meet the target sales will BXT continue, and may I know if how much have you already raised?
Very interesting and intriguing question here. I also wonder what will the team do if they didn't meet their target sale? Will they continue to develop and release this project or they will just stop and refund all the investment/money from the investors? Im sure that the team has prepared a counter plan whatever the result of the token sale will be.
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