Hi Guys,
To give you an update on what is going on on our side:
We have made a decision about the first dedicated HODLER device. Samsung J3 was selected and we have started working on it already. The decision was made based on the following:
- we have got an unlimited access to the device's source code which gives us all the control needed for the required security. Each line of the code can be - edited and adjusted according to our specification,
- good reviews about Samsung J3 in terms of durability and longevity, it is available worldwide in large quantities,
- low price of the handset making it affordable device for many,
- NFC module that allows functionality we haven't mentioned before: contactless payments. This will decrease even further the time that device needs to be online. Hopefully this will make HODLER even more secure in the eyes of all the sceptics.
By the end of April we will have the prototype with following functionality ready:
- our operating system based on AOSP without any unnecessary functionality, just what is needed for cryptocurrency transactions,
- support of 4 coins: BCH, BTC, DASH, LTC (the rest will be added subsequently starting from version Beta of the device up to 100 top cryptocurrencies and +250 tokens ETH, NEO etc.)
- auto-offline mode - connection with an internet just for couple of seconds when making or taking payments,
- HD seed generation for the wallet and for all the individual coins.
Additional plan:
- Usage of the NFC module for contactless payments will allow decreasing of the time that HODLER needs to stay online to absolute minimum.
- We are adding FAQ tab on our website summarising questions that we have been asked.
- Another tab on the website with news about the project and plans for the future.
- We are also working on the app for Windows, Android, iOS and MacOS. It will be a free wallet with the interface similar to HODLER device, allowing users to familiarise themselves with the look and functionality. This app will display a message informing users about dangers of loosing money when using free mobile and desktop wallets. Luckily soon there will be a secure alternative available: HODLER.
I would also like to remind you about the interesting functionality of a HODLER, the retailer mode: