Isi pdf tentang exchange :
Exchange platforms
At this moment we are still waiting for final remarks from our legal team. Considering recent
events and decisions from regulatory bodies, we find it very important to carry a thorough
analysis and make a well-rounded decision.
We would like to strongly emphasize that the product is the key, and therefore the demand for
it will only be accommodated when the product is launched. We do understand the importance
of being listed on exchange platforms, and by no means we want to limit our community
members, however, it only makes sense to be listed on exchange platforms when there's a
product and there's a organic demand for it.
Perkiraan ane sih bisa sebulan lagi nih buat masuk ke exchanger.
mending kalau saran saya langsung cairin di waves dex aja, soalnya kalau di exchanger seperti bittrex belum memungkinkan, melihat harga per pbt 3 btc an , lebih baik memang diwaves dex ajah
kalau di waves dex mah banyak yang ga tertarik untuk trading disana, paling tidak
masuk Bittrex lah baru banyak trader yang tertarik, otomatis harganya akan meningkat juga.
Transaksi di waves juga harganya parah sob, kalau mau tuker ke bitcoin mesti minimal 1btc per transaksi sedangkan kalau tuker ke waves juga ratenya sangat kecil dibawah harga ico. itu update yang di tanggal 1 agustus cuman gitu doank ya, kira2 kapan ini primalbase keluarin koinnya di exchanger. Ane pikir bakal bagus kalau keluar di bittrex.