I am looking and reading about this project and I am interresting about Where do I get beta invites? thanks
To apply for Social Portfolios beta programme, apply via this form: https://iconomi_beta.typeform.com/to/md6UtT (there are 4 short questions you have to answer first)
Am I the only one but I think that the dude in the picture up above looks like Lost freq*****s the DJ. haaha coooll he supports ICONOMI !
the question are ok but is that a neccesity to start with 100 or 1000 eur ? Or is that just a questionnaire.
Another: How many friends would you recommend to invest with you? (Choose the maximum amount)* (what if I don't have any crypto investment friends and I would like to do it alone ?
I rather ask before it's too late
tnx guys
Forgot to add another one .... Are you expecting to be paid for your hassle? How much? * what kind of hassle are we talking 'bout and yes I would like to get payed