Without ICOs, there would be no Ethereum. Without Ethereum, the crypto market wouldn't have grown so fast. It's attracting a lot of capital right now.
Ethereum is facilitating a wave of shitcoins and most will never see the light of day. The coin itself is a shitcoin that can't even perform a basic function of a cryptocurrency i.e. multisig. The only thing propping it up is the perpetual token sale whereby investors have to buy ETH to buy said token. It was setup to be a crypto ponzi scheme to attract regulators to this market and that's essentially what it is - a trojan horse.
https://news.bitcoin.com/ethereums-parity-client-users-lose-millions-multi-sig-hack/It's backed by big bankers from Wall Street who have developed an automated shitcoin factory with ETH as the center spoke of the wheel. A nice PSD will get you 30 million in funding sometimes more. Vitalik Buterin is nothing more than a front man for the big bankers. They figured he was some kind of authority in Bitcoin since he co-founded bitcoinmagazine.com so they hyped him up as the next Albert Einstein and all the idiots on Main Street ate it up.
ICOs have been around way before Etheruem was even an idea. The reason why it didn't attract regulators is because it required a minimum technical understanding of the Bitcoin protocol to launch a cryptocurrency to hold a premine for the ICO. Now every dip shit in silicon valley and on Wall Street is trying to launch their own token through it. Some even promoting integration with VISA and Mastercard.. Bitcoin and cryptocurrency was never meant to co-exist with VISA or any other payment processor for that matter - it was meant to replace it.
Satoshi Nakamoto: "Bitcoin can scale larger than the Visa Network"
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/satoshi-nakamoto-bitcoin-can-scale-larger-than-the-visa-network-1391350Silicon valley and wall street are co-opting Satoshi's movement to co-exist with the current system instead of replacing it. If it keeps going down this road this movement will die and be remembered as a tulip bulb bubble. By investing in these ICOs and supporting Ethereum YOU are responsible for contributing to the downfall of this legendary movement that has the potential to completely disrupt the central banking system and the debt slavery cycle that has imprisoned mankind for over 100 years.
Shitcoin projects like Civic who are promoting identity based cryptocurrency as a de facto standard are also contributing to the downfall of this movement. I wouldn't be surprised if that is a government project meant to derail this movement and discredit Bitcoin and it's counterparts. Why do we need identity based cryptocurrency to replace Bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency? When you strip away all the fancy GUI wallets and the mobile applications all cryptocurrency is just data on your computer that you can transfer through a transmission protocol. If an identity is mandated for a file on your computer, then where does this end? Must an meme or gif also have a digital identity signature? How about a word document you send to a journalist through a peer to peer transmission? Do you see where this is going?
https://cryptoinsider.com/civic-blockchain-solution-combat-cybercrime/The downfall of crypto was premeditated by the central banks:
1) China ban
2) Dimon discredits Bitcoin ("This will end badly"- Dimon)
3) G-8 slaps North Korea with sactions
4) China cuts trade ties with North Korea
What comes next (end goal)
5) All governments of the world accuse North Korea of using Bitcoin to fund their weapons program and attempt to impose draconian regulation (this is coming and will mark the biggest test for Cryptocurrency)
https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-09-11/north-korea-hackers-step-up-bitcoin-attacks-amid-rising-tensionshttp://www.businessinsider.com/north-korea-allegedly-stole-bitcoin-from-south-korea-2017-4https://www.coindesk.com/report-north-korea-targets-south-koreas-bitcoin-exchanges-cyber-attacks/https://www.cnbc.com/2017/09/12/north-korea-hackers-trying-to-steal-bitcoin-evade-sanctions.htmlThis narrative is the same one pushed by the mainstream media with regards to Iraq and it's WMD program. Similarly, they cite no evidence of North Korea using Bitcoin yet they'll keep regurgitating this talking point until it the banhammer comes down. The Potcoin project is also to blame for this facilitating this narrative when they sent Dennis Rodman over there in Potcoin attire.