Developers are free to make their own lightweight or mobile clients, which are also needed in the bitcoin world.
As a significant shareholder, I disagree. If Bitcoin was a company and had a board, I would of asked for Gavin's resignation long ago.
Gavin gives me the impression of a tinkerer, an experimenter, a hobbyist. When it comes to Bitcoin being made as a product for human beings, I find him completely lacking. He's not a business person and he admits that shamelessly. What Bitcoin needs more than ever is the human element.
I am confident people will inevitably agree and act upon this -- far beyond simple clients.
You are completely out of place, mumbling like a small child which got lost and doesn't know where it is.
Let me clearify some simple rules for you:
- Open Source projects are **NOT** companies, neither they behave as one
- Open Source projects are **NOT** ruled by shareholders.
- Open Source projects are **NOT** ruled by money.
- If you want something done well in Open Source world, do it yourself
- If you can't do it yourself, find somebody who can and pay him
- If you don't like a project, just fork it or write it from the scratch (but you still have to convince people to use your version which will not be easy)