Let me add my 2 cents to your conversation.
Any coin needs quick and constant growth of its metrics (not price!) in order to draw attention of investors - smart people with some money. And only after this attention is drawn buy orders start to grow. Most of people behave some kind of opposite to investors - they see price pumps and then start to pay their attention to that asset and even buy it hoping of further growth. This is a losing strategy for most of the people besides maybe small portion of really smart traders.
So, the main thought here is that you need to have some parameter or characteristic of your blockchain which is rapidly growing and outperforming other rivals. For Idena these parameter are number of unique users (identities) and full nodes number. An interesting thing is that in idena each identity automatically implies miner. So every user which takes part in validations automatically gets his small reward. This is mind boggling property in terms of potential user base size. Besides, these consecutive validations are very interesting and entertaining events on their own, they seem like online multiplayer game or some kind of smart mob event. So validations naturally draw people's attention without any guaranteed rewards. People join the network just for fun, regardless to its current market capitalization, emission, price, etc.
I bought Idena at average price of $0.04 in the beginning of 2020. At that time the network did grow every epoch exponentially and I was sure that made a right decision of buying it. But then some technical and scaling issues started to appear. People could not connect the network right before validations and thence their identities were kicked out and then killed (I mean 'suspended -> zombied -> killed' cycle). So the growth started to decline of even go back. For now I think it is obvious that Idena need sharding in order to continue its growth.
So the team recently has announced 27th hardfork which includes long awaited sharding:
https://medium.com/idena/idena-hard-fork-announcement-validation-sharding-ca910bac3599I hope that this technolodgy will help Idena in terms of scaling. And when (and if) that happens we will see investors putting their money in Idena massively.