Yes, but the plummer next door would not...
Without making security much easier and safer Bitcoin (or any other crypto) doesn't really have a snowball's chance downunder to even tickle FIATs.
Why would the plummer next door not accept it? And I don't think there's anything wrong with the security or safeness of bitcoin. Your coins safety and security is down to yourself but wallets will only get simpler and add more security features as time goes on.
Yes, certainly I think the security will get much better in the future.
Currently, making cold wallets, and all kinds of other jumping through hoops to ensure some level of security is not really for the average joe (nor my plummer neighbor). So imo. currently the technology surrounding bitcoin is not at all ready for mass adoption.
It is at the most ready for nerd adoption
Currently it is a bit the law of the jungle... when someone gets hacked and looses all their bitcoins the reaction in the community is "well, you didn't understand fully the procedures, so it was your own fault". Or in other words "Buhu too bad, so sad..move on and learn from it". Such an attitude will not work if this is supposed to be the standard means of payment for the 20 year old nurse, the janitor, the baker, .. and my neighbor..
Such a law of the jungle instills no trust - trust that people themselves can manage to keep their own funds safe. Most people doubt that they can - and rightfully so.
So until there is a solution to the security issues, cryptocoins are not really in with a chance to threaten FIAT.. nor should they be frankly because that would be playing with people's lifes at a time where there is a huge risk of a bad outcome.