Er, BTC-e is in BULGARIA. Their company funds are COMINGLED with your funds, so if they Fock up, YOU will lose your funds!
Let's do an analogy, shall we? You are wiring money to some company in another country so that your money is mixed with their company's money in one big bank account. They are not audited by a third party big accounting firm. Is there depositor's insurance in Bulgaria? NONE of these bitcoin exchanges answer the phone so for all you know it is just a pimply faced kid in his parent's garage fleecing greedy gullible adults.
I was going to use campbx but changed my mind due to;
1. company funds are comingled with your funds.
2. no proper bank account, so they can't wire money in and out freely.
3. don't answer the phone. they answered a text chat at 2AM in the morning, not during business hours.
It smells like someone's hobby at best or at worst a boiler room fleecing operation, not a real business. It's the wild west. Bitcoin is not "real" money so there is no regulations like depositor's insurance, non-comingled funds, independent audits, etc to protect your funds.
I decided to use coinbase because I can freely wire money in and out, so I can keep the dollar amounts per transaction low to keep the risk low and keep dough outside of coinbase in my bank or in my wallet. coinbase has no audits, non-comingling, nor people manning the phones either. They have some photos of employees on their website, but if there is nobody answering the phone, it could be another boiler room, for all I know. However, coinbase and bitpay seem to be the most legit.
local bit coins sounds good, too but the markup is higher. Just be sure to meet in a bank so the leller could tell you if the dough is counterfeit or not. Also, meet in a bank to avoid robbery.
don't keep money in an exchange. remember, bitcoin is being your own bank. don't use the exchanges as a bank as that defeats the purpose of bitcoin!
BTC-e makes enough money (especially in Nov Dec 2013) that they don't need to steal.
I recall a bunch of idiots with weak passwords had their accounts hacked.
More recently the FUD'sters claimed that people being banned from chat were losing their accounts which is NOT how their system works.
Where's the proof?
Show us the stolen money.
P.s. I am not saying all exchanges are crooks. I am just saying that you should't use exchanges like banks as bitcoin's purpose is for you to be your own bank! I don't know enough about BTc-e, coinbase, nor campbx to say good nor bad stuff about them. For all I know they coulb e totally legit. All I am saying is, BE YOUR OWN BANK. sorry you lost your coins, man. put up your addy, we'll spot you a little coin to soften the blow, man.