Taxation is theft. I don't think we should tax Starbucks more, I think we should tax everyone else less. Not at all would be prefered.
Don't misconstrue this to mean I don't think people should pool part of their income together for projects the benefit the "greater good"... just that it is immoral for it to be forced. Theft is theft, no matter how legitimate the state finds itself.
At what percent is slavery moral?
You can argue that property is theft. I think taxes are great, as long as they are fair and just and spent on the right things. If we didn't have taxes how would we pool money to build schools, hospitals and roads etc? Corporations would likely just take over, then we would have to pay extortionate fees and tolls on roads etc. I'm a big believer in that everybody chips in a little and everybody benefits a lot, but only if the system is fair, but of course you have to find the balance.
One bit that would help is an individual being able to allot taxes granularly instead of assuming a 'democratically appointed, either directly or by the residue of democracy' representative assessing what that tax allocation should be.
Once cash is done away with and everything is digital and integrated, the idea of 'paying tax yearly' should be eradicated and replaced by the concept of 'assigning your tax payouts yearly.'
Our billionaire friends have no problems deciding where their taxes go, via writeoff donations. someone making a living at a fast food restaurant doesn't get to choose.
50% of my taxes could be assigned by the government, the other 50% should go wherever I want. There are very little philanthropic / writeoff driven charitable giving opportunities for those in the middle/lower classes because our taxes are taken up front.
Why does the government get to decide what those unable to steer their tax dollars use it on? Even if 'stupid selfish people' decide 100% of their taxes go towards making roads better, they should end up with some damn good roads and that would naturally make them not do that in the future, or perhaps the government could limit the choices, etc.
bitcoin has proven a lot about using intermediaries as "trusted decisionmakers" ... it sucks, and they're all on the chopping block. Unfortunately, those intermediaries are the ones deciding policy so they can dig their heels in easily if they're too dumb to see the benefits and how they fit in in the future.