Bringing this kid to Rome... At all costs and it ain't a few judeans barbarians who could have stop Pilate... If you doubt what I just wrote it's because you don't understand anything. What does the Quran reports on those miracles... Good question...
Ps if you wanna see a miracle watch a bird fly and remeber it came in an egg ;-) like the alligator! (And the fish too).
I guess you just don't understand the problem of determinism and irrationality.
Jesus was meant to die. That was the purpose of his life on Earth.
So Pilate couldn't actually do much about it.
And by irrationality I mean that if Pilate was an ideal human being always analyzing his actions and being absolutely rational, maybe, he wouldn't have allowed assasination. But humans can't be always that rational. He could've thought about something else all of a sudden or something and let the things go the way they had to go
Interestingly most issues advanced by Jesus reflect the big controversies in the evolution of Roman laws... How coincidental;-).
What you don't get is that God is way way way way way infinity awesome that the human collective mind can grasp... One of the smartest human being mr Oppenheimer used a text speaking about God being a thousand sun exploding... Just to give the rational mind an idea. No one can grasp what a sun exploding means. Rational impossiblity what ever lie a scholar of the void will use what ever equation or math... He can't.
So to resume of the guy called Jesus could really do miracle the rabbis would have recognize him as the expected messahia and the Roman manager would have done everything to bring him back to Rome, but arguably if he was capable of miracles Rome couldn't have done anything.
One of the miracles Jesus did was to keep the Romans from taking Him to Rome, if that's what they wanted to do. His rising from the dead is another miracle. His ascension into Heaven right in front of his disciples is another. But all the healing miracles that He did throughout His ministry life (3 years) are evidence that He is God.
And finally what is the real problem that Christianity has with Islam is that the Quoran is very clear: God is the greatest.
God is the Greatest. Christianity says the same thing. God is made up of 3 Individuals that are each all God, are all God when any two of them are together, and are all God when all three of them are together. They are 3 distinct Beings that are each individually the Great God, yet there is only One God.
There are no quotes where it says this as succinctly as I did. You have to piece it together from many places in the Bible.