...then you have the mentality of a terrorist.
Terrorists believe all infidels should be killed. They characterize infidels as "all Westerners". Therefore if you believe all Muslims should be killed you have the same mentality of the terrorists.
The "jihad" or "war against terror", depending on your religion, don't end until this mentality changes. Religion doesn't kill people, people kill people. Stop the people, not the religion. And try to do it peacefully. If some government killed my father or uncle or brother, regardless of the reason, I would see that government as my enemy...forever. That chain of thinking doesn't stop until the killing stops.
religion is not as a characteristic of a person.
The people who own the properties they have. do not blame the religion, because the guilty are not a religion. it's all we have to instill in everyone.
Absolute nonsense in this case.
Of course you can blame the religion which produces the Fatwas that people feel they must follow. Consider these two historical events.
http://www.meforum.org/4947/one-hundred-years-of-jihad-in-australiaThe jihad attack was staged against a picnic train which was taking 1200 picnickers out on a New Year's Day in open ore trucks. Bashda Mahommed Gool and Mullah Abdullah first made enquiries at the station beforehand to make sure they would be in the right place at the right time to attack this particular train. They then positioned themselves on the side of a hill around 30 meters from the tracks, and opened fire as the trucks passed. Among the victims was Alma Cowie, aged 17, shot dead.
In November 2014, Shaykh al-Islam Ürgüplü Hayri, the highest religious authority of the Ottoman caliphate, issued a fatwa calling on Muslims around the world to wage holy war against the allies.By the end of the incident the jihadi cameleers had themselves been killed by police. The two were found to have left notes to explain that
they were responding to a call to jihad issued by the Ottoman Caliphate (on 11 November 1914).Mullah Abdullah said that his intention was to die for his faith in obedience to the Sultan's order, and Mahommed Gool wrote "I must kill you and give my life for my faith, Allahu Akbar," apparently in reference to Quran Sura 9:11:
Allah has purchased of their faithful lives and worldly goods, and in return has promised them the Garden. They will fight for His cause, kill and be killed.
The Ottoman fatwa declared that it was a religious duty "for all the Muslims in all countries, whether young or old, infantry or cavalry, to resort to jihad with all their properties and lives, as required by the Quranic verse of enfiru." The verse of enfiru (Arabic "go forth") is a reference to Sura 9:38:
You who believe! What is the matter with you, that, when ye are asked to go forth in the path of Allah, you cling heavily to the earth? Do you prefer the life of this world to the Hereafter? But little is the comfort of this life, as compared with the Hereafter. Unless you go forth, He will punish you with a grievous penalty, and put others in your place…
The jihadi cameleers left notes to explain that they were responding to a call to jihad issued by the Ottoman Caliphate.
The enfiru verse calls upon Muslims to "go forth" for jihad, or else face a painful doom under the judgement of Allah; better to fight as a martyr and go to paradise than burn in hell for hanging back.