I'm more concerned how the government comes to the market and dump Bitcoin they seized from people and claim they are criminals, why not hold it for future perspective, I guess they are juts hungry taxation criminals hiding in the government umbrella. Look at Germany for instance thag was selling Bitcoin back when it was around $56k, had it been they have hold it to now, they will confidently liquidate it here 2 times the value they sold earlier.
What if there is regulation, we don't want it obviously but on a second thought, what if there is regulation for the ecosystem that protects the holder and the officials that seize Bitcoin, there should be a enforcement law that forbid them from doing the things they do in the Bitcoin market.
Google is another topic, you see Google and Mark Zuckerberg, there days are number but it's just a matter of time, even this shall pass and advertising will be handle with care.
I do not think that you can make governments hold the coins they have, thats not going to work and they will only do that if they want to, not based on when you want, but based on when they want. Governments can seize money based on the legality of it, first they seize it until the decision is made, they can't touch it during that process, and whoever they took it from, goes against a judge and when they are found guilty, the money is cashed out and paid towards whoever the criminal stole from, and that works so far.
I understand that waiting would have made it bigger, but at the same time government doesn't have the responsibility to do that, if the people who got paid wants to, they could just buy it from that money and do whatever they want with it. At the end of the day, germany did whats best for german government, they didn't had any responsibility aside from just catching the criminals and paying the victims and they did that, rest is not their problem.