To become rich, we must not miss an opportunity, we must not lose the opportunity we have. The action that must be taken to achieve wealth is to prepare yourself for the opportunity to fulfill your goals and also when you get the opportunity to fulfill your goals, apply yourself fully to that opportunity with dedication and hard work.
Of course, when there is an opportunity that has the opportunity to make money or has a positive opportunity for our future good, we must make the best use of it. To be able to achieve wealth we have to be willing to work hard, because nowadays there are many people who want their lives to be comfortable, in other words, to have enough, but they don't want to move forward and usually that's because they are stuck in a comfort zone that is not profitable, and of course that means they are lazy.
You must be consistent in what you want, such as being confident and working hard for your desired goals, because of course we ourselves are the ones who determine everything about our future, if we are lazy from the start, of course there will be no good future. . Therefore, as much as possible we must be able to fight laziness.